2018 Conference Preview: The Implications of AI on Legal Regulators and How They Use It

The Implications of AI on Legal Regulators and How They Use It


This session will consider how regulators can prepare for the growing use of Artificial Intelligence in legal services. It will look at how  regulators can balance potential benefits of AI, whilst ensuring that appropriate protections are in place; how regulators themselves can use AI and what lessons for the regulation of AI might be drawn from other sectors?


Crispin Passmore is an Executive Director at the Solicitors Regulation Authority. He has worked in the legal market for around 25 years in a wide range of roles across the public sector, including as Director of Policy in legal aid, helping to set up the Legal Services Board to oversee the liberalisation of the legal market in England & Wales and  in his current role delivering a major reform programme to change the way the SRA regulates. Most recently he has taken responsibility for the SRA’s investigations and supervisory functions.

Bridget Gramme is Administrative Director at the Center for Public Interest Law, and a Law Professor at the University of San Diego School of Law.

Steve Wilson is a Director of Standpoint Decision Support. Standpoint is a decision support company which utilizes predictive data analytics to help professional regulatory teams solve complex challenges, such as:

  • uncovering the root causes and drivers of complaints against members
  • quantifying and managing professional performance via self-assessments
  • critical resourcing decisions informed by multiple sources of data, expertise, and uncertainty.

 Alison Hook (Session Chair), is director at legal and professional services consultancy firm, Hook Tangaza, as well as a consultant adviser to the Solicitors Regulation Authority. An economist by professional background, she has 16 years of experience working for regulators and professional bodies in the legal sector. She is also on the advisory Board of the Ulster University Centre for Legal Innovation.

Why is this session of particular interest and to whom? 

This session should be of interest to all regulators but particularly to those who are based in jurisdictions where the legal sector is beginning to experiment with AI.

What particularly do you hope to explore in this session?  Any specific questions you hope to answer?

There is a lot of talk about how AI will transform the legal sector, but little consideration in this debate about how regulators might be affected. This session will represent something of a forward look – but not too far into the future. It will attempt to raise awareness among legal regulators of the following:

  1. What is happening of relevance in this area in the legal sector now? (ie. How AI is being used and the exploration around other potential use cases)
  2. How regulators in other sectors are using AI
  3. What risks might be involved in the use of AI or pitfalls that regulators need to be aware of?
  4. Some examples of early experimentation with AI by legal regulators

We will then go on to set out potential pathways for regulators to take into AI

What do you hope to achieve with this session?

Increased awareness of what AI actually is and can do, rather than the hype/ fearmongering sometimes characterising its discussion in legal circles. Ideally also expression of willingness from regulators to participate in future projects.

What is the setting of your session?

Brief presentations followed by open discussion.

Any useful documents/background reading for context?



Anything you would like to ask the regulator community in advance of the session to inform the content/preparation?

 We would like to know what questions they might have about AI in advance.

Brought to you by ICLR.