Innovation in the legal services market – regulation, competition and technology

Morning, Wednesday, 24th January 2018, Central London

This seminar will consider the priorities for the legal profession and wider stakeholders in responding to upcoming regulatory and technological shifts in the sector.

As the SRA takes forward a series of reforms designed to modernise their regulatory approach and widen consumer access to legal advice – by removing restrictions on the types of firms in which solicitors can practice and introducing new authorisation and practice requirements – discussion will focus on how a new framework can be developed that addresses concerns over unmet legal need and avoids confusion for providers and consumers.

Attendees will also have an opportunity to engage on the future shape of the ‘Innovation Space’ following proposals to review the existing waiver system for firms innovating in the delivery of legal services. Discussion will consider how the proposed expansion of waivers to “special bodies” – including charities and not-for-profits – should be managed to ensure all providers are treated equally and that adequate consumer protection is in place.

Further sessions will explore the impact of disruptive technology on the legal services market, looking in particular at the growing role of automated processes and machine learning. Delegates will consider the implications of increased automation on the legal workforce, as well as the challenges for providers in adapting to these pressures, developing revised strategies for recruitment and management and ensuring competitiveness.

This conference will bring together Members of both Houses of Parliament, senior government officials and regulators involved in this area, together with law firms, chambers, legal businesses and wider professional services, investors, consultants, training providers, consumer bodies, academics and members of the national and trade press.

Brought to you by ICLR.