This page could list news articles relevant to the world of legal regulation, if the Regulator Community decides this is an appropriate and useful service. We would need to agree a process for gathering and publishing news-type content, and we would agree that process over in the Regulator Community pages.
SRA report on disability in the workplace reveals disparity with overall population
Research released by the SRA has highlighted unwillingness amongst legal professionals with a disability to inform their employer of their situation. This, in turn, suggests…The Bar of Ireland releases balance at the Bar survey
The Bar of Ireland has released a survey of 567 practitioners looking at workplace satisfaction and wellbeing in the Bar. The survey looks at various…LSB announces new consumer panel appointment in push for increased public focus
The Legal Services Board (LSB) has announced the appointment of former barrister and current Chief Executive of Citizens Advice Epsom and Ewell, Lisa Davis to the…Law Society of Scotland and Information Commissioner’s Office collaboration on legal tech
A collaboration between the Law Society of Scotland and Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is set to provide a boost to the legal tech sector in Scotland,…Cologne courts raise questions over the legality of legal bots
A challenge against a ‘legal bot’ mounted by the Hanseatic Bar Association Hamburg – a self-governing body representing over 10,000 lawyers in Hamburg, has proved successful…Legal Services Regulatory Authority publishes annual report
The Legal Services Regulatory Authority (LSRA) in Ireland has published its 2019 Annual Report which provides an overview of its performance for the year, including…Regulatory responses to COVID-19
We’ve put together the following list to examine different regulator responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. If you have any questions or best practice for the…ICLR 2020 update
The ICLR 2020 will be held virtually the week of October 26th, 2020. Mark your calendars. The organizing group is developing a dynamic week-long program…Consultation on the unification of the solicitors’ and barristers’ professions in Ireland
The Legal Services Regulatory Authority (LSRA) in Ireland is inviting submissions as part of a public consultation prior to a report to the Minister for Justice…Legal services reform in Scotland – regulation, international competitiveness and seizing opportunities for innovation
Edinburgh, Wednesday, 25 March 2020 This conference will discuss the next steps for legal services in Scotland. Delegates will examine: Major proposals for regulatory reform;…Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security publishes analysis of changes in lawyer regulation
Following the March 2015 report submitted by the Advokatlovutvalget (the Lawyer Commission), which suggested changes to the regulation of lawyers in Norway (see the report in…Law Society of Saskatchewan amends Legal Profession Act to expand access to legal services
The Law Society of Saskatchewan has announced amendments to the Legal Profession Act, 1990, effective from 1 January 2020. The Law Society is an independent…