Victorian Legal Services Board announced $1m to improve access to legal services

On the 22nd October Victorian Legal Services Board CEO and Commissioner Fiona McLeay announced seven grant recipients who would receive shares of a $1 million fund, aimed at helping ordinary and vulnerable Victorians to access simple and affordable legal support services. Projects include a scheme to provide women in regional Victoria with a pathway out…

Law Society of New South Wales launches free legal assistance to those impacted by bushfires

The Law Society of New South Wales, in partnership with Legal Aid NSW, community legal centres,  Justice Connect and the NSW Bar Association has launched the NSW Government’s Disaster Response Legal Service, which will provide free legal assistance to those affected by the tragic bushfires in NSW. Richard Harvey, the President of the Law Society said: “In…

Singapore’s Ministry of Law aims to strengthen access to justice through the Legal Aid and Advice (Amendment) Bill

Singapore’s Ministry of Law (MinLaw) is pushing a Legal Aid and Advice (Amendment) Bill for First Reading in Parliament. The Bill amends the Legal Aid and Advice Act (LAAA), first, to simplify the means test for legal aid; second, to provide greater flexibility for aid to be given to those who fail the means test but…

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