The Association of Professional Responsibility Lawyers United States recommends lawyers be permitted to practice in any state

The Association of Professional Responsibility Lawyers (APRL), a group of 400 lawyers who advise on ethics matters, has recommended that lawyers admitted to a US jurisdiction be able to practice across any state. The Association suggests the ABA Model Rule 5.5, which was adopted in 2002 to prohibit lawyers from practicing in jurisdictions they had…

Arizona Supreme Court grants first ABS licence

Law company Elevate has been granted an Alternative Business Structure (ABS) license by the Arizona Supreme Court, making Elevate and its affiliated law firm, ElevateNext, a single entity.  This makes Elevate the first non-lawyer-owned law firm in the United States. In 2020 Arizona became the first state to remove the prohibition of non-lawyers owning law…

The Bar Standards Board of England and Wales has welcomed the new sanctions guidance announced by the Bar Tribunals and Sanctions Service

The Bar Standards Board of England and Wales has welcomed a new sanctions regime brought in by the Bar Tribunal and Sanctions Service. The new sanctions will be used by Disciplinary Tribunals and by the BSB’s Independent Decision-Making Body in deciding what sanctions to bring against barristers found to have committed professional misconduct. The new…

The Scottish Parliament’s Criminal Justice Committee has released a report on reforming the criminal justice sector

The Scottish Parliament’s Criminal Justice Committee report into the criminal justice sector has highlighted the severe issues within the sector and confirmed the need to urgent change to avoid any potential disasters. The committee held a series of roundtables aimed at uncovering the short and long term steps that need to be taken to mitigate…

The legal Aid Board in the Netherlands is to begin a subsidy scheme experiment for divorce cases

The legal Aid Board in the Netherlands will begin a subsidy scheme experiment for complex divorce cases. The scheme will begin in February 2022 with the aim of uncovering how best to assist litigants in complex divorce cases, with a view to providing high quality legal aid assistance after an appropriate fee has been agreed….

The Young Lawyers’ Committee and the Women in Practice Committee of Singapore are working to develop a workplace harassment prevention policy

The Young Lawyers’ Committee and the Women in Practice Committee of Singapore currently working in tandem to develop a key policy to address work place bullying. The harassment prevention policy is to be rolled out amongst Singapore law firms at some point next year. It comes on the back of the Law Society of Singapore’s…

The Legal Services Board of England and Wales has launched a consultation on its draft business plan and budget for 2022/23

The Legal Services Board of England and Wales business plan is an attempt to push forward its goals of reforming the legal sector to better serve the consumer and deliver fairer outcomes, stronger confidence and better services. The proposed new strategy includes financial protection arrangements, consumer redress and the rule of law and regulation. Key…

The Legal Services Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Ireland is opening a public consultancy for the new profession of Conveyancer

The Legal Services Regulatory Authority is inviting interested parties to make written submissions ahead of a report to the Minister of Justice in relation to the creation of a new profession of conveyancer in Ireland. The consultation pages, available through the link below, outline the type of submission, including suggested topics, the Legal Services Regulatory…

WTO negotiations on domestic services regulation have concluded successfully in Geneva

67 WTO member delegates participated in the Joint Initiative on Services Domestic Regulation, which aims to reduce administrative costs and create a more transparent environment for services providers to operate in when conducting business in foreign markets. This initiative marks the first set of rules governing service regulation in nearly 25 years. The trade agreement…

The Bar Standards Board of England and Wales has published its regulatory decision making annual report

This is the second report of its type by the Bar Standards Board since the way regulatory decisions were made was reformed. The report finds that between April 2020 and March 2021 the number of reports and applications for exemptions substantially increased. This coincided with the COVID-19 pandemic. The Bar Standards Board has increased proactive…

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