Asylum services review highlights general good practice and areas for improvement

The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) has published a thematic review of 25 legal firms in England and Wales providing asylum services, following up on its 2022 immigration thematic review. The review assessed how these firms handle daily asylum support, supervision, and training, aiming to highlight best practices across the sector.

Key findings indicated that most firms have strong procedures for validating asylum claims and checking client identities and evidence, with about 10% of cases being rejected. Despite eligibility, most asylum seekers paid for services privately due to a shortage of legal aid providers and long waiting lists. The use of WhatsApp for client communication was common, though few firms had formal policies for its use.

The SRA emphasised the need for better monitoring and supervision to comply with regulatory requirements. Paul Philip, Chief Executive of the SRA, highlighted the vulnerability of asylum seekers and the severe impacts of poor legal services. He encouraged all firms involved in asylum services to engage with the findings to improve service quality.

This initiative is part of the SRA’s ongoing efforts to enhance risk management and regulatory compliance in legal services, aiming to foster a culture of excellence within the profession.

Read the full story here. 

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