The Power of Lawyer Regulators to Increase Client and Public Protection Through Adoption of a Proactive Regulation System

This Article focuses on those who regulate U.S. lawyers. The Article argues that the lawyers who head regulatory bodies in the United States have the ability to adjust the focus of the regulator for which they work in a way that will increase client and public protection. The Article further argues that it is appropriate…

Attitudes to dishonesty by health and care professionals

This research looks at public and professional attitudes towards dishonest behaviour by health and care professionals. The researchers used qualitative methods to explore responses to a number of scenarios based on real-life cases of professional dishonesty. The research was commissioned by the Professional Standards Authority (PSA), which oversees the work of nine statutory healthcare regulators…

Who decides what goes in the research bank?

The community manager decides what to include, anything that they are unsure about will be referred to the governance group for approval.  So far, the bank contains some content suggested and provided by our current members.  To this we hope to add the Singapore ICLR conference papers, subject to the consent of the presenters.  But…

Can I restrict my comments only to regulators?

Yes. Inside the Regulator Community there are groups which are just for regulators, and members can have groups set up which are just for specified people. The idea is to support confidential work as well as work that benefits from wider participation. It’s very much like a real conference, where there are private conversations as…

How do I get an account?

When the website first launched membership was by email invitation which was sent to those who had previously attended an ICLR conference.  However, we would like to widen participation in and attendance at a conference is not a mandatory requirement for membership of the online community. To be eligible, people need to fall into…

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