Germany sees another decline in the number of concluded lawyer, legal assistant and notary assistant training contracts

In 2023, the number of newly concluded contracts for legal training or legal and notary assistant positions decreased, according to statistics published by BRAK. These figures, based on feedback from bar associations to the Federal Institute for Vocational Training (BIBB), account for contracts finalised between October 1st of the previous year and September 30th 2023. There were 2,994 newly concluded contracts, a decrease of 4.98% from the previous year’s 3,151.

However, this decline was less pronounced compared to the previous year’s decrease of 11.34%. Specifically, 2,243 new contracts were for legal assistant positions (down from 2,314) and 751 for legal and notary assistant positions (down from 837). While ten chamber districts saw increases in new contracts, 17 recorded significant declines, albeit less severe than the previous year. This trend may reflect the impact of increased remuneration recommendations by bar associations made the previous year.

However, bar associations have once again recommended law firms increase increase remuneration for these contracts in 2024 in an attempt to halt further decline and increase the attractiveness of these training contracts to mitigate the shortage of skilled workers. Renumeration continues to vary depending on region and law firm as some firms are not in a position to increase training renumeration.

Read the full story here.

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