Lawyer Licensing and Competence in Alberta

The Lawyer Competence Committee (LCC) has been working with legal analyst, Jordan Furlong, on a report and recommendations for lawyer licensing and competence in Alberta. The report was approved by the Committee at their Bencher meeting on December 3rd 2020. Work is now underway to prioritise the recommendations, as well as consider resourcing, timelines for implementation and future engagement opportunities for the profession.

The recommendations from the report have been grouped into there main categories Lawyer Licensing, New Lawyer Development and Continuing Learning. Recommendations have also been categorised as either achievable in the short (2021 – 22), medium (2023), or long term. However, the committee has emphasised that the long term goals are not a low priority, with many in face requiring action now, such as stakeholder engagement, in order to ensure that they can be properly implemented.

Read the full report here.

Brought to you by ICLR.