Legal Services Board unveils interactive map and research to drive action to enhance legal sector diversity

The Legal Services Board (LSB) has published an interactive map along with two comprehensive reports aiming to break down barriers within the legal profession that hinder individuals from diverse backgrounds from achieving successful legal careers. These initiatives pinpoint critical stages in legal careers where barriers such as elitist perceptions, undervaluation of non-traditional entry paths, workplace harassment, and excessively long working hours impede progression. They identify particular concerns affecting parents and caregivers and point to the negative consequences of unfair barriers to progress, such as burnout and mental health issues. Recruitment biases toward candidates with certain presentations and backgrounds are also highlighted, emphasizing the need for more inclusive hiring practices.

The research also identifies the stages at which potential judicial candidates are lost. It highlights the disparities that exist in the progression to judicial roles, with senior roles and recommendations for judicial posts predominantly occupied by males and disproportionately white individuals, despite a significant number of ethnic minorities applying for these positions.

In launching these research publications, Alan Kershaw, Chair of the LSB, acknowledged the complex and deep-rooted challenges within the legal profession that obstruct the development of a truly inclusive professional culture. He stressed the role of regulation and targeted action in addressing these issues. Going forward, the LSB intends to engage with various stakeholders to implement actionable and measurable outcomes that promote diversity and equality in the legal profession.

Read the full story here. 

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