Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten launches a self-assessment tool for lawyer CPD

The Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten (NOvA) has launched a self-assessment tool designed to assist lawyers with CPD. The online platform is entirely voluntary, to use, and allows lawyers to assess their own progress on metrics of expertise, interaction and attitude. This allows them to reflect on their own professional development, and to identify areas of improvement.

Lawyers who complete the assessment will receive one CPD point, with the assessment estimated to take around an hour. The digital assessment fits into NOvA’s wider digital development, including the DillemAp an ap which raises various ethical questions to practitioners, creating a forum for discussion around ethics and practice.

Theda Boersema , member of the general council said: “How do you stand in your work, what are your motives, where are the pitfalls and how can you continue to improve yourself? Within an hour, the self-assessment will give you insightful insight into this. It is not a test, there is no right or wrong. It is mainly intended to increase your ethical awareness and sharpen your craftsmanship. ”

Read more about the tool here, or view the tool here.

Brought to you by ICLR.