A Solicitors Regulation Authority Report has found that unbundling legal services could make legal help more affordable for those on low incomes and increase the client base for law firms. Unbundling is a process where the tasks that make up a service are divided between the consumer and provider, allowing clients to carry out some…
The Solicitors Regulation Authority of England and Wales publishes the Legal Choices Report 2022
The Solicitors Regulation Authority of England and Wales has published the Legal Choices report for 2022. Legal Choices is a website that helps consumers make informed decisions when choosing a legal professional, as well as offering information on a range of legal topics such as legal aid, no win no fee and legal insurance. The…
Designing Just Solutions at Scale: Lawyerless Legal Services and Evidence-Based Regulation
Around the world, billions of people lack access to justice, often because they cannot access help in resolving their justice issues. An important reason for this is that many access models rely centrally on lawyers, and such models simply cannot scale. Some jurisdictions allow lawyerless legal services. We offer a new framework for understanding lawyerless…
Access to Justice and Legal Services Regulatory Reform
Researchers have launched a new era of studies exploring relationships between legal services regulation and access to justice. These scholarly developments respond to recent changes in how Anglo-American jurisdictions regulate the practice of law, changing who can make money from the practice of law, who can engage in it, and who can direct and control…
The Regulation of Paralegals in Ontario: Increased Access to Justice?
The legal profession throughout most of Canada enjoys the privilege of self-regulation and a (purported) monopoly over legal practice. In Ontario, the Law Society must regulate so as to facilitate access to justice and protect the public interest. Critics argue that self-regulation is anti-competitive it allows the profession to control the market for legal services,…
California State Bar publishes responses to its consultation on the licensing of a new paraprofessional.
In 2021 the California State Bar published a consultation on a potential new paraprofessional license designed to ease the access to justice problem being experienced in the state. This new type of legal paraprofessional is intended to be a cheaper alternative to a fully licensed lawyer and would only be able to offer a very…
Oregon State Bar launches a consultation on new paraprofessional licensing plans
The Oregon State Bar has released plans for the introduction of licensed paraprofessionals, in a public consultation. It is proposing to restrict this new paraprofessional to practice in two areas of law, family and landlord/tenant issues. This is intended to help at least some of the 84% of Oregon residents who cannot currently access the…
The Solicitors Regulation Authority of England and Wales launches research to identify gaps in access to justice
The Solicitors Regulation Authority of England and Wales has launched research to identify gaps in access to justice. The research will focus on where gaps exist across England and Wales and what impact these could have on different groups of consumers. The project will include an investigation into how factors such as ethnicity and socio-economic…
Victorian warning on lawyers involvement in crowdfunding activities
Lawyers in the state of Victoria have been warned about their public conduct. Fiona McLeay’s December 2021 report sets out the importance of balance between access to justice and acting in a client’s best interests. The report reminds lawyers to think carefully before advising communities to pursue cases which will likely not be successful in…
State Bar of California’s consultation on new paraprofessional licence closes
The consultation, which closed on 12th January, focused on the potential licensing of a new legal service provider, the paraprofessional. It is hoped this new legal qualification will improve access to justice by creating a new professional to provide routine legal services at a more affordable rate. Read the full article here.