Equal Pay Day: large salary gaps continue to exist in the legal profession in Germany

On March 7, 2025, Germany observed Equal Pay Day, symbolizing the persistent gender pay gap, which stood at 16% in 2024—a decrease from 18% in prior years, marking the sharpest drop since 2006, according to the Federal Statistical Office. Adjusted for factors like industry, qualifications, and working hours, the gap remains steady at 6%. This…

The role of regulation in promoting diversity – or why the regulator should not stay out of the way

In a recent blog post, Mark Neale, Chief Executive of the Bar Standards Board of England and Wales, rebutted the suggestion from the Chair of the Bar Council that the regulator should “stay out of the way” concerning issues of equality and diversity within the legal profession. The Bar Standards Board very different stance on…

Legal Services Board unveils interactive map and research to drive action to enhance legal sector diversity

The Legal Services Board (LSB) has published an interactive map along with two comprehensive reports aiming to break down barriers within the legal profession that hinder individuals from diverse backgrounds from achieving successful legal careers. These initiatives pinpoint critical stages in legal careers where barriers such as elitist perceptions, undervaluation of non-traditional entry paths, workplace…

Diversity and Inclusion in the Legal Profession: Challenges and Solutions

The Alameda County Bar Association, a representative local Bar Association in California has published a helpful summary on diversity and inclusion issues in the legal profession and how these can be addressed. In “Diversity and Inclusion in the Legal Profession: Challenges and Solutions”, the ACBA highlights the urgent need for increased diversity and inclusion within…

Potential causes of differential outcomes by ethnicity in legal professional assessments

The University of Exeter has published the results of a study commissioned by the Solicitors Regulation Authority of England and Wales, which seeks to explore the reasons behind varying legal qualification outcomes among students of different ethnicities. The research revealed that these differences are likely to stem from a complex interaction of factors including social,…

The Workplace Environment Survey in New Zealand has revealed Pacific lawyers face higher levels of bullying and discrimination than the profession overall

Results from the Workplace Environment Survey (WPES) in New Zealand reveal that Pacific lawyers, particularly Pacific women, face higher rates of bullying, harassment, and discrimination than the overall legal profession. The New Zealand Law Society commissioned additional reporting to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by Pacific lawyers. While overall statistics for lawyers…

Women lawyers now make up the majority of associates in the USA but still face many diversity challenges

A report by the National Association for Law Placement (NALP) reveals that women now constitute the majority of associates at US law firms, making up 50.3% according to the organisation’s Report on Diversity in U.S. Law Firms. The report also indicates a record growth in women at the partnership level, constituting 27.8% of all partners…

The New South Wales solicitor profession has made positive progress on gender equity

A study commissioned by the Law Society of New South Wales (NSW) in Australia shows positive momentum towards gender equality in the legal profession, with modest improvements in career expectations compared to their male colleagues. The 2022 Annual Profile of Solicitors NSW reveals a growing, vibrant, and diverse profession that is actively working to attract…

National Bar Association survey finds black female lawyers in the US continue to experience high rates of discrimination

A National Bar Association (NBA) survey finds black women lawyers continue to experience high rates of discrimination and bias. During 2022, 163 members of the NBA WLD and other Black women’s legal organizations were surveyed. The survey found that 70% of Black women lawyers had experienced or witnessed discrimination and bias in the workplace. The…

The National Association for Law Placement’s (NALP) report on diversity discusses the progress made and the ongoing challenges for LGBTQ+ lawyers in US

The National Association for Law Placement’s (NALP) recent report on diversity in U.S. law firms shows that the overall percentage of LGBTQ+ lawyers increased to 4.17% in 2022, roughly half a percentage point higher than in 2021 and almost 4 times the amount of LGBTQ+ attorneys reported in 2002. Representation has increased at a more…

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