2018 Conference Preview: Impact of International Lawyer Organisations on Regulation

Impact of International Lawyer Organisations on Regulation Synopsis This session explores how international lawyer organisations try to improve lawyer regulation and what the effects are. The presentation is partly based on the findings of a study on three organisations, the International Bar Association, the American Bar Association and the Council of Bars and Law Societies…

2018 Conference Preview: Moving client trust funds away from lawyers to a third party

Moving Client Trust Funds Away from Lawyers to a Third Party Synopsis This session will explore whether the fiduciary duty to safeguard client trust funds should be transferred to a third party.  The panel will present various methods of safeguarding client trust funds utilized by jurisdictions including privately owned corporate third parties and centralization of…

2018 Conference Preview: The legal regulator’s role in combating Money Laundering and FATF mutual evaluation

The legal regulator’s role in combating Money Laundering and FATF mutual evaluation Synopsis The fourth round of mutual evaluations by the FATF is ongoing and focus on effective tools to combat money laundering. The speakers share their experience in preparing for and contributing to FATF review and provide valuable information in order to reach a…

2018 Conference Preview: Trust & Transparency

Trust and Transparency – Friday 5 October 2018 Synopsis To present the challenges presented by the expectation of members of the public who use legal services around the trust in the way in which those services are regulated and the transparency allied to that including the challenges presented in the legal services market around transparency…

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