ICLR 2020 Annual Conference: Day 4

Day 4: 29 October  – – – The final technology breakout for EMEA/APAC, will be called: A Growing Toolbelt: Investigators and technology. (CDT 06:00-07:00 / GMT 11:00-12:00 / KST 20:00-21:00) Session description: Given the growing reliance on technology in the legal industry, command of technology has become a requirement of ethical practice, often through explicit…

ICLR 2020 Annual Conference: Day 5

Day 5: 30 October  – – – Day 5 will include our final consumer-focused breakout for EMEA and the APAC entitled: In Search of Solutions, not Sanctions: The Different European and African Approaches to Applying Restorative Justice Principles to Legal Regulation.  (CDT 06:00-07:00 / GMT 11:00-12:00 / KST 20:00-21:00) Session description: Consumers should be able to…

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