ICLR Annual Conference: Day 5: 30 October 2020

Day 5: 30 October

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Day 5 will include our final consumer-focused breakout for EMEA and the APAC entitled: In Search of Solutions, not Sanctions: The Different European and African Approaches to Applying Restorative Justice Principles to Legal Regulation.  (CDT 06:00-07:00 / GMT 11:00-12:00 / KST 20:00-21:00)

Session description:

Consumers should be able to expect that legal regulation will take a flexible and proactive approach in identifying and dealing with the core issue behind complaints of inadequate or poor service. Regulators should have access to methodologies which engage problem solving, mediation and the informal resolution of complaints and that have the capacity to re-build the relationship between consumer and practitioner. These same principles can also be found in Restorative Justice techniques which are commonly used in some jurisdictions in relation to criminal matters.

The panel will discuss:

The principles of restorative justice and their application to resolving complaints against legal practitioners.
The tools available to regulators to employ restorative justice principles.
Comparative approaches in other professions.
Measuring the success of a restorative justice approach in terms of consumer confidence in the legal profession and regulation.

Dr. Brian Doherty, Chief Executive Officer, Legal Services Regulatory Authority (Ireland)
Dr. Ian Marder, Lecturer in Criminology, Maynooth University (Ireland)
Ger Deering, Financial and Pension Services Ombudsman, FSPO (Ireland)

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The day will then be closed off with the final plenary session, aimed to be timed for maximum global attendance, which will be entitled: Navigating the New Normal. (CDT 08:00-09:00 / GMT 13:00-14:00 / KST 22:00-23:00)

Session description:

Using what we learned from the opening plenary and the breakout sessions, attendees and panelists will distill what the Pandemic has taught them about crisis management, disaster planning and business continuity, and how regulators can plot a better course for the future in our new normal. In this context, how can greater clarity be provided to regulators and those who are regulated, and what cross collaborations are most important in times of crisis, prolonged like this one, or of shorter duration (e.g. with governments and other entities).

Frederica Wilson, Executive Director, Policy and Public Affairs and Deputy CEO, Federation of Law Societies of Canada

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