How Should We License Lawyers?

Robertson, C. B. (2020). How Should We License Lawyers?. Fordham L. Rev., 89, 1295. During the summer of 2020, anger and frustration about lawyer licensing practices boiled over. The bar exam had always imposed economic and psychological burdens on test takers, but the rise of a pandemic added an additional hazard: exposure to a dangerous virus. Some…

The role of legal professionals in the European and international legal and regulatory framework against money laundering

Valvi, E. A. (2022). The role of legal professionals in the European and international legal and regulatory framework against money laundering. Journal of Money Laundering Control, 26(7), 28-52. The aim of the present study is to shed light on the role of legal practitioners, namely, lawyers and notaries, in the fight against money laundering: Are they considered…

Designing Just Solutions at Scale: Lawyerless Legal Services and Evidence-Based Regulation

Burnett, M., & Sandefur, R. L. (2022). Designing Just Solutions at Scale: Lawyerless Legal Services and Evidence-Based Regulation. Direito Público, 19(102). Around the world, billions of people lack access to justice, often because they cannot access help in resolving their justice issues. An important reason for this is that many access models rely centrally on lawyers, and…

Lawyers as money laundering enablers? An evolving and contentious relationship

Levi, M. (2022). Lawyers as money laundering enablers? An evolving and contentious relationship. Global Crime, 23(2), 126-147. Using limited datasets and case studies drawn from the Global North and South, this article critically considers the available evidence about the involvement of lawyers in elite money laundering and attempts to control their involvement. In addition to lawyers’ lobbying…

Access to justice and legal services regulatory reform

Sandefur, R. L., & Denne, E. (2022). Access to justice and legal services regulatory reform. Annual Review of Law and Social Science, 18, 27-42. Researchers have launched a new era of studies exploring relationships between legal services regulation and access to justice. These scholarly developments respond to recent changes in how Anglo-American jurisdictions regulate the practice of…

How do lawyers engineer and develop legaltech projects?: A story of opportunities, platforms, creative rationalities, and strategies

Dubois, C. (2021). How do lawyers engineer and develop legaltech projects?: A story of opportunities, platforms, creative rationalities, and strategies. Law, Technology and Humans, 3(1), 68-81. Over the last 15 years, the working context of lawyers has undergone many changes. Evolving in an increasingly competitive, deregulated, and globalized market, they are subject to higher tax pressure while…

To be a good lawyer, one has to be a healthy lawyer

Lawson, N. D. (2021). ” To Be a Good Lawyer, One Has to Be a Healthy Lawyer”: Lawyer Well-Being, Discrimination, and Discretionary Systems of Discipline. Geo. J. Legal Ethics, 34, 65. In 2017, a National Task Force on Lawyer Well-Being comprised mostly of representatives from lawyer assistance programs (LAPs) issued a report recommending “modify[ing] the rules of…

To Be a Good Lawyer, One Has to Be a Healthy Lawyer

Lawson, N. D. (2021). ” To Be a Good Lawyer, One Has to Be a Healthy Lawyer”: Lawyer Well-Being, Discrimination, and Discretionary Systems of Discipline. Geo. J. Legal Ethics, 34, 65. In 2017, a National Task Force on Lawyer Well-Being comprised mostly of representatives from lawyer assistance programs (LAPs) issued a report recommending “modify[ing] the rules of…

Rise of the Robot Lawyers?

Markovic, M (2019). Rise of the Robot Lawyers?, 61 Ariz. L. Rev The advent of artificial intelligence has provoked considerable speculation about the future of the American workforce, including highly educated professionals such as lawyers and doctors. Although most commentators are alarmed by the prospect of intelligent machines displacing millions of workers, this is not…

Markovic, M (2019). Rise of the Robot Lawyers?, 61 Ariz. L. Rev The advent of artificial intelligence has provoked considerable speculation about the future of the American workforce, including highly educated professionals such as lawyers and doctors. Although most commentators are alarmed by the prospect of intelligent machines displacing millions of workers, this is not…

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