Diversity and Inclusion in the Legal Profession: Challenges and Solutions

The Alameda County Bar Association, a representative local Bar Association in California has published a helpful summary on diversity and inclusion issues in the legal profession and how these can be addressed. In “Diversity and Inclusion in the Legal Profession: Challenges and Solutions”, the ACBA highlights the urgent need for increased diversity and inclusion within…

The State Bar of California Trustees approve the 2024 budget, including measures to mitigate the impending budget deficit

The State Bar of California trustees have approved the 2024 budget. This budget is key in mitigating the impending insolvency of the State Bar of California General Fund, including utilising proceeds from the previous year’s building sale to mitigate an ongoing structural deficit. Bar-wide revenue is projected at $428.9 million, while expenses stand at $400.9…

The State Bar of California seeks to address projected budget shortfall with license fee increase

The State Bar of California’s Board of Trustees addressed significant budget challenges during their January meeting, planning to request a licensing fee increase for 2025 from the Legislature. With a projected deficit in the General Fund, discussions highlighted the need for sustainable funding to maintain operations and implement necessary reforms. The Board approved a cost-reduction…

State Bar of California holds public comment period for new rule on attorney misconduct reporting

The State Bar of California will hold a public comment period on the proposed new rules which would see California join the rest of the US in obligating attorneys to report misconduct by other attorneys. The State Bar has previously consulted on a rule to implement misconduct reporting, Amendment 8.3, which was returned after a…

Board of Trustees approve options for California Supreme Court to review to extend the Provisional Licensure Programme

With the successful Provisional Licensure program due to come to an end on 31st December 2022, The California State Bar of trustees has approved 3 options for extending the programme which are to be presented to the Supreme Court. The programme, a response to the COVID-19 Pandemic and directed by the Supreme Court, has seen…

State Bar of California changes the interpretation of a statute to allow for greater transparency during disciplinary complaints

The State Bar of California today informed the California Supreme Court that it is changing its interpretation of a statute to allow for greater transparency with respect to closed disciplinary complaints. The State Bar announced that it has changed its position with respect to the Business and Professions Code section 6086(1)(b)(2). This statute allows the…

The State Bar of California accepts revised paraprofessional recommendations

At its meeting May 19–20, the State Bar Board of Trustees accepted final amendments to the recommendations of the California Paraprofessional Program Working Group (CPPWG). Following a robust public comment period that generated more than 2,000 comments, approximately 70 percent from attorneys, the Working Group adjusted their initial proposal, including: Eliminating the ability of paraprofessionals to jointly…

The California Bar adopts new five year strategic plan

The Board of Trustees of the California State Bar Board of Trustees has agreed a new five year plan, setting the Bar’s strategic direction until 2027. The plan includes four strategic goals: Protect the Public by Strengthening the Attorney Discipline System: Administer an attorney discipline system that is efficient, accountable, and transparent. Protect the Public…

California State Bar publishes responses to its consultation on the licensing of a new paraprofessional.

In 2021 the California State Bar published a consultation on a potential new paraprofessional license designed to ease the access to justice problem being experienced in the state. This new type of legal paraprofessional is intended to be a cheaper alternative to a fully licensed lawyer and would only be able to offer a very…

State Bar of California’s consultation on new paraprofessional licence closes

The consultation, which closed on 12th January, focused on the potential licensing of a new legal service provider, the paraprofessional. It is hoped this new legal qualification will improve access to justice by creating a new professional to provide routine legal services at a more affordable rate. Read the full article here.

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