2Civillity in Illinois, USA, provides a ‘how to’ guide for using AI as a lawyer

2Civility has published a how to guide for lawyers interested in getting started using generative AI such as ChatGPT. This guide includes a step by step guide on how to access ChatGPT on both desktop and mobile devices. The guide then explores effective ChatGPT prompts for summarising content, drafting litigation and drafting marketing content. The…

AI is increasingly important in law firms, but does it have a place in law schools?

In the legal profession, the impact of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT remains uncertain. Law schools and faculty members are currently grappling with the decision of whether to allow students to use these AI applications in their coursework. While AI is already deeply integrated into legal practice, generative AI goes beyond traditional tools…

New US legal admissions pipeline helps initially rejected applicants to become law students

In the US 22 law schools have developed a new admissions pipeline, ‘LexPostBacc’, specifically for prospective students who were initially rejected during the admissions process. This year-long program offered by these law schools aims to prepare aspiring lawyers, particularly minorities candidates, for the rigors of legal education. Participants must either be from an underrepresented ethnic…

National Bar Association survey finds black female lawyers in the US continue to experience high rates of discrimination

A National Bar Association (NBA) survey finds black women lawyers continue to experience high rates of discrimination and bias. During 2022, 163 members of the NBA WLD and other Black women’s legal organizations were surveyed. The survey found that 70% of Black women lawyers had experienced or witnessed discrimination and bias in the workplace. The…

To be a good lawyer, one has to be a healthy lawyer

Lawson, N. D. (2021). ” To Be a Good Lawyer, One Has to Be a Healthy Lawyer”: Lawyer Well-Being, Discrimination, and Discretionary Systems of Discipline. Geo. J. Legal Ethics, 34, 65. In 2017, a National Task Force on Lawyer Well-Being comprised mostly of representatives from lawyer assistance programs (LAPs) issued a report recommending “modify[ing] the rules of…

To Be a Good Lawyer, One Has to Be a Healthy Lawyer

Lawson, N. D. (2021). ” To Be a Good Lawyer, One Has to Be a Healthy Lawyer”: Lawyer Well-Being, Discrimination, and Discretionary Systems of Discipline. Geo. J. Legal Ethics, 34, 65. In 2017, a National Task Force on Lawyer Well-Being comprised mostly of representatives from lawyer assistance programs (LAPs) issued a report recommending “modify[ing] the rules of…

The American Bar Association has published a third draft discussion paper on amendments to lawyers’ client due diligence

The American Bar Association have published a Discussion Draft of possible amendments to the Model Rules of Professional Conduct. The Standing Committees on Ethics and Professional Responsibility and Professional Regulation have developed this draft to address lawyers’ client due diligence obligations. The previous two discussion papers have focused on Model Rule 1.2(d) (Scope of Representation…

IAALS Publishes Report on Regulatory Innovation

The IAALS has published a report: Community & Cooperation: Action Steps toward Unlocking Legal Regulation that summarizes discussions held at a meeting in 2022 on regulatory innovation. The report proposes next steps for regulatory innovation and serves as a resource for those interested in improving the regulatory system. The report covers the following topics: The…

Rise of the Robot Lawyers?

Markovic, M (2019). Rise of the Robot Lawyers?, 61 Ariz. L. Rev The advent of artificial intelligence has provoked considerable speculation about the future of the American workforce, including highly educated professionals such as lawyers and doctors. Although most commentators are alarmed by the prospect of intelligent machines displacing millions of workers, this is not…

Markovic, M (2019). Rise of the Robot Lawyers?, 61 Ariz. L. Rev The advent of artificial intelligence has provoked considerable speculation about the future of the American workforce, including highly educated professionals such as lawyers and doctors. Although most commentators are alarmed by the prospect of intelligent machines displacing millions of workers, this is not…

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