The Legal Services Board of England and Wales has published its business plan for 24/25

The Legal Services Board (LSB) has published its 24/25 business plan. This plan has three strategic themes, fairer outcomes, stronger confidence and better services and is underpinned by the 9 regulatory objectives of the 2007 Legal Services Act.

The plan sets out the key areas and activities the LSB will focus on for the duration of this business plan. These include: Addressing the regulatory performance of frontline regulators, equality, diversity and inclusion, the rule of law and professional ethics and technology and innovation.

The LSB has committed to a number of key activities in 2024/25, which include: ‘Develop a policy statement on equality, diversity and inclusion to maximise the role of regulation in removing barriers to a diverse and inclusive profession’ and ‘Ensure regulation supports upholding the rule of law and professional ethics, including supporting the new regulatory objective to promote the prevention and detection of economic crime’.

Read the full business plan here.

Brought to you by ICLR.