Abstract This paper discusses models of law and regulation of Artificial Intelligence (“AI”). The discussion focuses on four models: the black letter model, the emergent model, the ethical model, and the risk regulation model. All four models currently inform, individually or jointly, integrally or partially, consciously or unconsciously, law and regulatory reform towards AI. We…
AI and Dispute Resolution
Abstract The office of a judge is nowadays an indispensable part of the system of governance. However, this does not mean that the legal regulation of this area is optimal and this area does not pose any challenges for lawyers. Moreover, there is no general consensus on how state power, including that of the courts, should be exercised….
Artificial Intelligence: Thinking About Law, Law Practice, and Legal Education
Abstract On April 26-27, 2019, the Duquesne University School of Law hosted a conference titled “Artificial Intelligence: Thinking About Law, Law Practice, and Legal Education.” Over those two days, more than 100 attendees were able to listen to nineteen presentations offered by thirty-one professors, educators, technology experts, and lawyers. The four articles in this symposium issue of…
Racism in predictive justice, the issues with algorithmic policing
A new article by Will Douglas Heaven, senior AI editor at the MIT technology review has called for an end to the use of predictive policing and justice, powered by AI algorithms. The article looks at a number of ways that race feeds into AI algorithms, and how this can detriment minorities. The article suggests…
BSB to use AI to carry out online testing
The Bar Standards Board has announced on the 12th May 2020, that the Bar Professional Training Course and Bar Transfer Test assessments, that were delayed from April to August, will be carried out online with the assistance of Pearson’s OnVUE secure global online proctoring solution, which will allow for remote invigilation. Allowing the exams to…
AI Regulation in Europe
Abstract With the regulation of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the European Commission is addressing one of the central issues of our time. However, a number of core legal questions are still unresolved. Against this background, the article in a first step lays regulatory foundations by examining the possible scope of a future AI regulation, and by…
Key Elements of Responsible Artificial Intelligence – Disruptive Technologies and Human Rights
Abstract One major challenge facing human kind in the 21st century the widespread use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Hardly a day passes without news about the disruptive force of AI – both good and bad. Some warn that AI could be the worst event in the history of our civilization. Others stress the chances of…
Will Artificial Intelligence Eat the Law? The Rise of Hybrid Social-Ordering Systems
Abstract Software has partially or fully displaced many former human activities, such as catching speeders or flying airplanes, and proven itself able to surpass humans in certain contests, like Chess and Jeopardy. What are the prospects for the displacement of human courts as the centerpiece of legal decision-making? Based on the case study of hate…
Professions and Expertise: How Machine Learning and Blockchain are Redesigning the Landscape of Professional Knowledge and Organisation
Abstract Machine learning has entered the world of the professions with differential impacts. Engineering, architecture, and medicine are early and enthusiastic adopters. Other professions, especially law, are late and in some cases reluctant adopters. And in the wider society automation will have huge impacts on the nature of work and society. This paper examines the…
AI-Enabled Business Models in Legal Services: From Traditional Law Firms to Next-Generation Law Companies?
What will happen to law firms and the legal profession when the use of artificial intelligence (AI) becomes prevalent in legal services? This paper addresses this question by considering specific AI use cases in legal services, and by identifying four AI-enabled business models (AIBM) which are relatively new to legal services (if not new to…