Law Society of Ontario approves AML amendments

In November 2019 the Convocation (Board of Directors) of the Law Society of Ontario approved in principle amendments to by-laws designed to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. The amendments which build on existing regulation include: a requirement that licensees identify and record the source of client funds for a transaction clarification with respect to…

FATF guidance for legal professionals

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has produced risk-based approach (RBA) guidance to help legal professionals design effective measures to manage money laundering and terrorist financing risks.  The guidance is also aimed at supervisors of legal professionals, highlighting the importance of supervising the RBA. The FATF developed this non-binding guidance with input from the legal…

The Federation of Law Societies of Canada working with government in the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing

The regulators of the legal profession in Canada and the Canadian government have embarked on a new chapter in the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorist activities. Late last Spring Canada’s Minister of Finance announced the creation of a joint working group comprised of representatives of the government and the Federation of…

Anti-Money Laundering and Lawyer Regulation: The Response of the Professions

Abstract The extension of anti-money laundering (AML) controls to lawyers has been a controversial topic since the early 2000s. The legal professions facing these measures have adopted differentiated strategies of response, three examples of which are examined and contrasted in this paper. In the US, the legal profession vocally objected to the measures and has been able to deflect…


The relevance of FATF’s recommendations and fourth round of mutual evaluations to the legal profession

More than two hundred countries in the world have agreed to abide by the anti-money laundering (“AML”) recommendations developed by the Financial Action Task Force (“FATF”), which is an intergovernmental organization. This article focuses on the potential impact on the legal profession of FATF’s fourth round of mutual evaluations. During these mutual evaluations, which currently…

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