Law Society of Scotland publishes a new strategy to improve regulatory process and enhance competition in the legal sector

The Law Society of Scotland’s Regulatory Committee has revealed a new two-year strategy, which is focused on improving regulatory processes, enhancing competition in Scotland’s legal sector and ensuring robust consumer protections. The Regulatory Committee is independent from the Law Society’s Council (the governing body of the Society), and is responsible for overseeing a number of…

Legal Services Board releases options on ongoing competence

The Legal Services Board (LSB) has published a new report on ongoing competence in the legal services sector. Confirming that it plans to develop this thinking further and consult on how competence can be assured over the course of a lawyer’s career. In the report the LSB points out that whilst legal regulators have comprehensive…

UK Competition and Markets Authority review of legal services market

The UK Competition and Markets Authority has released an updated report based on its initial findings on the legal services market published in 2016. The report recognises the improvements that have been made in increasing the transparency of the price, service and quality of legal services, but said there was more to do to increase…

Netherlands and Denmark both considering changes to non-lawyer ownership rules

Both the Netherlands and Denmark have made announcements signalling a move towards implementing non-lawyer ownership. The Netherlands Bar Association (NOvA) has announced a 5-year experiment, which would allow lawyers in the non-lawyer run SRK legal aid organisation to deliver non-legal services. NOvA has said that the move is coming as part of a broader investigation…

California Closing the Justice Gap Working Group holds first public meeting

A California State Bar working group established to study access to justice innovations held its first public meeting on the 14th January 2021. The State Bar’s Closing the Justice Gap Working Group, created by the Board of Trustees to carry on with important recommendations from the State Bar’s Task Force on Access Through Innovation of…

Entity Regulation, Litigation Rights and the Changing Meaning of Professionalism at the Bar of England and Wales

Abstract Entity Regulation, Litigation Rights and the Changing Meaning of Professionalism at the Bar of England and Wales The Legal Services Act 2007 provided a framework for a liberalised marketplace for legal services. The most significant responses to this by the Bar appear in the Bar Standards Board Handbook, which was first released in January 2014. This included changes allowing…

Irish Legal Services Regulatory Authority to take over regulation of legal advertising

On the 18th December 2020 the Irish Legal Services Regulatory Authority (LSRA) took over the role or regulating advertising by legal practitioners, a role previously held by the Law Society (for solicitors). The rule change comes about under the Legal Services Regulation Act 2015 (Advertising) Regulations 2020, which applies to print, audio, visual and online advertising….

Regulatory developments in Ireland

On the 19th November, The Legal Services Regulatory Authority (LSRA) published two separate reports with recommendations to the Minister for Justice. The first report is entitled, “Setting Standards: Legal Practitioner Education and Training“. The report is focused on examining the competence and standards required to practise as either a Solicitor or a Barrister in Ireland….

Law Society of British Columbia to Widen Access to Legal Services

On September the 10th the Law Society of British Columbia elected to make changes suggested by a task force on modernisation established this January. The task force cited ongoing changes in the legal market, which have been accelerated by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the pace of change in other jurisdictions, as to…

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