ICLR 2021 Annual Conference: Day 1

Day 1: 28 September

The conference will begin with a welcome session and keynote address, which have both been scheduled to encourage maximum global attendance, however as with all the sessions if the timing is too early/late, we will provide recordings that can be accessed at any time.

The keynote address will be given by Justice Rita B. Garman, Justice of the Supreme Court of Illinois, Supreme Court of Illinois (CDT 08:00-08:30 / BST 14:00-14:30 / KST 23:00-23:30)

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Why We Do What We Do: Regulatory Theory and Practice – (CDT 08:30-09:45 / BST 14:30-15:45 / KST 23:30-00:45)

Session description:

This session will explore regulatory theory, different regulatory models that are used in different jurisdictions exploring both civil and common law regulation models, self-regulation and external regulation, the impact of legal regulation on society and on the regulated and what successful legal regulation can achieve.

Brian Doherty, Chief Executive Officer, Legal Service Regulatory Authority
Patricia Schwartz, Disciplinary Counsel, Office of Disciplinary Counsel, Supreme Court of Delaware
Nuala O’Loan, Baroness, House of Lords

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Equality, Diversity and inclusion – Are Regulators Part of the Problem or Part of the Solution? – (CDT 10:00-11:00 / BST 16:00-17:00 / KST 01:00-02:00 [29th])

Session description:

We are all aware that racism, unconscious bias and discrimination exist in our societies, and the consequences can be seen in our legal and justice systems. This raises important questions for us as regulators. Are we seeing the diversity challenges in wider society and the legal sector coming through in our processes? Why are some groups over-represented in our enforcement work? What’s our role in leading change in our sector and how can be sure our work is truly free from bias and discrimination?

Jane Malcolm, Executive Director, External and Corporate Affairs, Solicitors Regulation Authority
Elaine Cumming, Professional Responsibility Counsel, Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society
Logan Cornett, Director of Research, Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System

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Networking Session: International Cocktails with Legal Regulators – (CDT 15:00-16:00 / BST 21:00-22:00 / KST 06:00-07:00 [29th])

Session description:

Building on last year’s mixology event, this virtual networking session will highlight seasonal cocktails from around the world. Attendees will learn how to craft custom bright cocktails for Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer from different international regions and can expect to learn more about the history of each region’s featured spirit. A drink-specific ingredient list will be provided so that attendees who wish to do so can be prepared with the correct and preferred ingredients and can follow along step-by-step in this interactive mixology experience!

Tim Bertschy, Commission Vice – Chairperson, ARDC

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Who Owns the Pathway? Broadening Access to the Legal Profession – (CDT 21:00-22:00 / BST 03:00-04:00 [29th] / KST 12:00-13:00 [29th])

Session description: 

This session will explore the range of measures being taken across various jurisdictions to ensure that the legal profession is diverse and reflective of the communities which it serves. The session will be delivered in two parts: the first will be a pre-recorded introduction with input from lawyers who have direct experience of overcoming barriers to the profession. Each will give a short introduction and outline their own experience of the barriers they faced and their experience of the “”pathway””. This will be followed by presentations from three jurisdictions who are making efforts to remove barriers and increase diversity in the profession. The focus on the session will be on exploring practical initiatives and their impact on lawyer diversity.

  • Exploring Barriers to the Profession
  • Initiatives to increase representation and diversity
  • “Levelling up”

Meera E. Deo, Director, Law School Survey of Student Engagement
Rob Marrs, Head of Education and Diversity, Law Society of Scotland
Zack DeMeola, Director of Legal Education and the Legal Profession, IAALS

Brought to you by ICLR.