ICLR 2020 Annual Conference: Day 1

Day 1: 26 October

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The conference will begin with a welcome session and keynote address, which have both been scheduled to encourage maximum global attendance, however as with all the sessions if the timing is too early/late, we will provide recordings that can be accessed at any time.

The keynote address will be given by Justice Lloyd A. Karmeier, Justice for the Illinois Supreme Court, followed by a keynote speech by Chief Justice Anne M. Burke. (CDT 08:00-08:30 / GMT 13:00-13:30 / KST 22:00-22:30)

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Following the introduction and keynote, we will then move straight into the first global plenary session, which will be on: The Uncharted Waters of COVID-19: Plotting a New Regulatory Course. (CDT 08:30-09:30 / GMT 13:30-14:30 / KST 22:30-23:30)

Session description:

Setting the table for the breakout panels, this moderated conversation will offer a global overview of the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on regulators and the different stages of coping in which they find themselves. Panellists will highlight the issues they have encountered, responses, and lessons learned thus far. Attendees will be surveyed in advance of the session and also have the opportunity to start to identify challenges and opportunities arising from the pandemic response to carry over into the breakout sessions.

ModeratorEllyn S. Rosen, Regulation and Global Initiatives Counsel, American Bar Association Center for Professional Responsibility
Mary M. Mutugi, Director, Quality Assurance, Compliance and Licensing, Council of Legal Education
Paul Philip, Chief Executive, Solicitors Regulation Authority
Diana Miles, Chief Executive Officer, Law Society of Ontario
Gloria Lim, Director, Legal Industry Division / Director of Legal Services, Legal Services Regulatory Authority, Ministry of Law, Singapore

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Later on in the day we will hold the first breakout of the conference entitled: The Approaching Tidal Wave: Access to Legal Service and the Pandemic as Re-Regulation Accelerator. This session has been organised to be in the late morning for attendees in the Americas, and the afternoon for attendees in EMEA. (CDT 11:00-12:00 / GMT 16:00-17:00 / KST 01:00-02:00)

Session description:

Past conferences have touched on how the current regulatory construct is a barrier to 21st century practice sustainability and how regulators have implemented or had imposed upon them responsive regulatory change. The global access to legal services and access to justice crises, including racial justice issues, have accentuated the growing and deepening cracks in the current regulatory approach. The legal profession re-regulation movement, which addresses the structures in which legal services are delivered and by whom, is growing, particularly in North America. Covid 19 is serving as an accelerant, with re-regulation being seen as the way to a sustainable legal profession and a way to reduce the access gaps. This session will explore the ways in which this is happening and provide a collection of ideas for consideration, study, and implementation.

Moderator – Tahlia Gordon
Justice Constandinos “Dino” Himonas, Justice, Utah Supreme Court (United States)
Cara Marie O’Hagan, Law Society of Ontario (Canada)
Johan Dolven, Founder & CEO, HELP Forsikring (Norway)

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The second pandemic track breakout, entitled: Remote Regulation. Will be organised to fall during the evening for those in the Americas, or the morning of 27 October for attendees in APAC. (CDT 21:00-22:00 / GMT 02:00-03:00 / KST 11:00-12:00)

Session description:

For months, many regulators’ offices around the world have been closed physically (and some entirely for a time) due to the COVID 19 pandemic. Remote work has taken root and is likely to continue for an indeterminate time. Can regulators regulate effectively in a remote work environment? What challenges and opportunities are there, including maintaining productivity and efficiency? Can critical activities such as disciplinary investigations and hearings be conducted effectively online? This breakout will dig into these issues and produce examples of unique solutions to some of the remote regulation challenges.


ModeratorNatasha Dookie, Chief Legal Officer, Law Society of British Columbia (Canada)
Nancy Bains, Tribunal Counsel, Law Society of Alberta (Canada)
John McKenzie, Legal Services Commission New South Wales (United Kingdom)

Brought to you by ICLR.