A manifesto for the judicial and legal system in Europe

On 9 June, all 27 members of the European Union held elections for the European Parliament. The Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) issued its own manifesto prior to the elections which called on the Parliament to play its part in demanding adequate resources for the judicial system and a well-resourced legal…

Demand-Side Justice

Abstract The civil justice gap is well-known, well-documented, and widening. Although judges, practitioners, and scholars have attempted for more than fifty years to increase the supply of civil legal services available to those in need, demand continues to dramatically outstrip supply. This article argues that given the static (or worsening) state of the civil justice gap, and the…

Law Council of Australia publishes webinar on implementing the ALRC’s pathways to justice roadmap

The Law Council of Australia has published a recording of its latest online webinar, entitled “Closing the Justice Gap: Implementing the Australian Law Reform Commission’s Pathways to Justice Roadmap”. Over the course of the event, the panel discussed a number of issues around access to justice, and the justice gap, including discussion around access to…

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