New regulatory proposals to strengthen lawyers’ ethical standards

On March 6, 2025, the Legal Services Board (LSB) of England and Wales proposed new regulatory measures to enhance ethical standards within the legal profession, marking a significant shift in how lawyers’ ethics are taught, monitored, and supported. Aimed at ensuring lawyers uphold their ethical duties throughout their careers, these proposals respond to evidence of…

Legal Services Board unveils interactive map and research to drive action to enhance legal sector diversity

The Legal Services Board (LSB) has published an interactive map along with two comprehensive reports aiming to break down barriers within the legal profession that hinder individuals from diverse backgrounds from achieving successful legal careers. These initiatives pinpoint critical stages in legal careers where barriers such as elitist perceptions, undervaluation of non-traditional entry paths, workplace…

LSB annual report shows progress in driving up standards and ensuring regulation increases public trust

The Legal Services Board (LSB) released its Annual Report for the financial year ending March 31, 2024. The report outlines the LSB’s efforts to ensure that legal regulation adapts to serve societal needs more effectively. Key developments in 2023-24 were the LSB’s first assessment of legal regulators against its new performance framework, which revealed the…

Solicitors Regulation Authority gives go-ahead for CILEX change

On July 1, 2024, the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) Board agreed it would potentially regulate Chartered Institute of Legal Executives (CILEX) members, if CILEX decides to redelegate this to the SRA. This follows CILEX’s 2022 proposal to transfer the regulation of its members from its own independent regulatory arm, CILEX Regulation, to the SRA. The…

Legal Services Board approves new SRA rules to improve workplace culture

The Legal Services Board of England and Wales has approved two changes to the Solicitors Regulation Authority Standards and Regulations. The rule changes aim to improve work place culture in law firms. The new rules make explicit the need for employees to be treated fairly and for managers to challenge any treatment deemed not to…

Legal Services Board of England and Wales sets new expectations to ensure lawyers remain competent throughout their careers

The Legal Services Board has published a new statutory statement of policy on ongoing competence. It sets clear outcomes that the legal services regulators should meet to ensure that lawyers have the necessary skills, knowledge and behaviours to provide good quality legal services. The launch of the new statement comes on the back of extensive policy development…

Qualitative research into SMEs’ legal needs and adoption of Lawtech

On behalf of LawtechUK and the Legal Services Board, Community Research conducted qualitative research with 40 SMEs from different sectors (10 of whom had previously used lawtech) to explore how they address their legal needs and access legal advice and support, in order to understand how lawtech can better support SMEs. Read the full paper…

Legal Services Board of England and Wales research finds that consumers are missing out on legal expense insurance

A new report by the Legal Services Board of England and Wales (LSB) includes calls for legal expenses insurance to be promoted more widely to consumers, in order to widen access to legal advice amongst the public. The report estimates that 3.6 million people in England and Wales experience unmet legal need as part of…

Legal Services Board releases options on ongoing competence

The Legal Services Board (LSB) has published a new report on ongoing competence in the legal services sector. Confirming that it plans to develop this thinking further and consult on how competence can be assured over the course of a lawyer’s career. In the report the LSB points out that whilst legal regulators have comprehensive…

Legal Serevices Board publishes collection of articles on lawtech and regulation

The Legal Services Board (LSB) has published a collection of 11 focused on lawtech and regulation as part of its ongoing work in the area. The collection, entitled ‘Perspectives on Lawtech and Regulation’ includes contributions from Chris Handford, Director of Regulatory Policy at the SRA, discussing the regulatory challenges of lawtech; Mariette Hughes, Head Ombudsman at the…

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