The Legal Services Board of England and Wales launches consultation on a new framework for regulation in the legal services sector

The Legal Services Board has begun a consultative exercise on how best to create more efficient regulation of legal services. The new system places greater emphasis on leadership, delivering the regulatory objectives and running effective operations. The proposed new framework comes after several years of the existing one, feedback from the regulators, and research into…

The California Bar adopts new five year strategic plan

The Board of Trustees of the California State Bar Board of Trustees has agreed a new five year plan, setting the Bar’s strategic direction until 2027. The plan includes four strategic goals: Protect the Public by Strengthening the Attorney Discipline System: Administer an attorney discipline system that is efficient, accountable, and transparent. Protect the Public…

Solicitors Regulation Authority of England and Wales launches consultation on annual ‘keeping of the roll’ exercise

The Solicitors Regulation Authority of England and Wales has launched a consultation on the possible reintroduction of the requirements for non-practising solicitors to complete an application to remain on the roll. The need to reintroduce an application process for those without practicing certificates comes from a change in the law on the handling of personal…

Making sense of professional enablers’ involvement in laundering organized crime proceeds and of their regulation

Abstract: Money laundering has ascended the enforcement and criminological agenda in the course of this century, and has been accompanied by an increased focus on legal professionals as ‘enablers’ of crime. This article explores the dynamics of this enforcement, media and political agenda, and how the legal profession has responded in the UK and elsewhere,…

Canadian Government passes new regulations in response to Russia’s attack on Ukraine

New regulations brought in by the Canadian government have seen individuals and entities have their assets frozen and further dealings prohibited in response to Russia’s attack on Ukraine. Lawyers in Alberta have a regulatory obligation to comply with these and to not assist anyone in conducting illegal activities, including future dealings with prohibited Russian entities…

Law Council of Australia’s 2016 policy to improve equity in the profession hits milestone

The Law Council of Australia’s 2016 policy to improve equity in the legal profession has achieved its central aim. The Equitable Briefing Policy 2016 aimed to have female barristers receive  instructions in 30% of all matters by 1st July 2020. A recent report states this goal has been achieved, with 31% of all instructions going…

Law Society of Ontario cancels licensing examinations to protect public interest

The Law Society of Ontario has cancelled its licensing examinations to protect the public interest and the integrity of the examination process. This comes in the wake of information that suggests a number of examinees had improper access to examination material. This decision affects approximately 1100 candidates who were set to write online examinations, beginning…

Close Contact Scheme for critical justice sector workers in close contact with COVID patients rolled out in New Zealand

The Ministry of Justice and Courts New Zealand has outlined a Close Contact Scheme for critical justice sector workers in close contact with  COVID patients. Workers who cannot execute their work remotely will be allowed to continue their work if they apply for the Close Contact Exemption Scheme as long as they: are fully vaccinated…

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