Canadian Bar Association launches programme to demystify tech

The Canadian Bar Association (CBA) has opened registration for a series of lectures on digital literacy in the law. The aim is to equip legal practitioners with the digital skills to ensure that both their and their clients’ personal information is being properly handled and secured in a digital environment. The programme has been launched…

IBA launches global survey on the impact of COVID-19

The International Bar Association (IBA) has launched a global survey to look at the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on members’ interests. The survey will collect information on: the impact of Covid-19 on bar associations’ and law societies’ day-to-day operations, finances and staff; the impact measures taken to tackle the virus have had on local…

Law Society of New South Wales launches online program for future lawyers

The Law Society of New South Wales has launched an online mentoring program for over 650 high school students across the state in the wake of ongoing social distancing requirements. The Future Lawyers programme is running over 6 weeks with different topics and lectures being given to students on topics such as an Introduction to…

Two COVID-19 Lessons that Were Long Overdue to Kenya’s Justice Sector

Abstract The two decisions made by policymakers in Kenya’s because of COVID-19 were timely but were bound to happen. they are direct economic benefits for reducing the prison population and use of technology in courts. If the Prison population is reduced at least by 10%, the prison population will reduce by 22,372 prisoners. Using the…

Reform of Legal Education in Belarus and the United Kingdom

Abstract Reforms in legal education are taking place in almost all countries. Each system has its own reasons for improving the quality of legal education, though the employment of young lawyers after graduation proves a common problem. The Concept for the Development of Legal Education in the Republic of Belarus through to 2025, adopted by…

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