On the 15th March 2021, the California State Bar published its second biennial report on the progress of its work programmes designed to further diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in California’s legal profession over the last two years. The report sits against the backdrop of the Bar’s ongoing work on diversity. The Bar’s statutory mission…
Event: There is More Than One Way: Re-Imagining the Pathway Post Secondary Education
July; 30, 2021 Online The goal of pipeline programs is to ultimately increase diversity within the legal profession. But is it time to re-evaluate the path toward that goal. This program will feature presentations from the California Community College Pathway to Law Initiative and Indiana University McKinney School of Law who will discuss their innovative…
Event: Law Society of Scotland Annual Conference 2021
April; 26 – 30, 2021 Online Running over the week of April 26-30, our online annual conference is our most ambitious yet with over 35 sessions ranging from black letter law, to in-house, recent legal developments and essential skills. And if you can’t be there for all of it – that’s okay, you can dip…
Shenzhen Lawyers Association launches legal service directory
As part of an ongoing effort to specialise and promote legal business skills in the region, the Shenzhen Lawyers Association has recently launched a legal services directory, to more effectively allow consumers to purchase legal services. The directory currently includes 331 different legal service products and providers, with 27 different categories, including family law, labour,…
Canadian Bar Association report on justice and COVID-19
During the Canadian Bar Association (CBA) AGM, held on the 18th February 2021, the CBA released its new report on COVID-19 and the justice system ‘No Turning Back’. The report, which was produced by a special task force, has concluded that there can be no return to the way things worked in the legal profession…
NOvA launches new platform on diversity
The Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten (NOvA), has recently introduced a new platform designed to promote an inclusive and diverse bar. In 2018, the NOvA drew up a diversity and inclusion statement, the platform is designed to implement and practice some of the recommendations that came out from the statement. There are currently 37 lawyers who…
Legal Sector Affinity Group for England and Wales publishes new guidance on anti-money laundering and SRA sectoral risk assesment
The Legal Sector Affinity Group (LSAG) which is made up of representatives from the different regulatory and representative bodies in the legal profession, releases information and guidance for legal services professionals. The LSAG 2020 guidance provides a detailed commentary on recently amended UK regulations on money laundering (as well as the 2017 regulations). The LSAG…
Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society introduces new succession planning professional standard
The Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society (NSBS) has introduced a new Succession Planning Professional Standard, effective from the 2nd February 2021. The standard comes as the result of a working group launched in 2017 appointed to consider the implications for the profession if lawyers and firms do not have effective plans in place for practice interruption….
Legal Services Board releases options on ongoing competence
The Legal Services Board (LSB) has published a new report on ongoing competence in the legal services sector. Confirming that it plans to develop this thinking further and consult on how competence can be assured over the course of a lawyer’s career. In the report the LSB points out that whilst legal regulators have comprehensive…
ABA releases first model diversity survey report on law firm equity and inclusion
On the 16th February, the American Bar Association Commission on Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Profession today released its 2020 ABA Model Diversity Survey Report, the first report focused on diversity, equity and inclusion within law firm practices in the USA. The Model Diversity Survey (MDS), was developed in 2016, and is designed to…