The resilience training courses for lawyers in The Netherlands run by the Dutch Bar Association were so popular they’re running them again in 2022 for a new cohort, running a new series of 500 training courses. These courses aim to teach lawyers the skills required to deal with aggression and threats that they may face…
Bar Standards Board of England and Wales publishes new research on consumers’ expectations and experience of working with barristers
On the 4th of August, the Bar Standards Board (BSB) published research on consumers’ expectations and experience of working with barristers, with the goal of using an evidence-based approach to better understand consumer needs and barrister relationships. The research, which was undertaken by an independent research agency involved in-depth interviews with 50 consumers, all of…
Bar Standards Board of England and Wales publishes new statistics on the outcomes of complaints about barristers
The Bar Standards Board (BSB) has published a new statistical analysis examining the outcomes of complaints made about barristers in England and Wales between January 2015 and October 2019. The research was particularly focused on investigating the relationship between the outcomes of, and the likelihood of a complaint being made, and specific characteristics of barristers,…
Legal Services Regulatory Authority of Ireland report highlights 33% increase in complaints about legal practitioners
On April the 7th the LSRA published its first complaints report for 2021 which shows it received 805 complaints in a six month period, demonstrating a 33% increase on the previous period. The report, entitled Independent Complaints Handling, gives details around the LSRA’s investigative activities in the reporting period of 7 September 2020 to 26…
Legal Services Regulatory Authority publishes annual report
The Legal Services Regulatory Authority (LSRA) in Ireland has published its 2019 Annual Report which provides an overview of its performance for the year, including its new role in handling public complaints relating to solicitors and barristers. The Annual Report contains statistical data on complaints and early trends, including: During the 12 week period from…
SRA report: upholding professional standards
The Solicitors Regulation Authority has published a report detailing how it deals with complaints, undertakes investigations and decides on what sort of regulatory action is required. The report covers the period November 2017 – October 2018 and includes case studies and reflects upon emerging trends, such as the use of NDAs. Download the report …

An Australian Study on Lawyer Vulnerability and Legal Misconduct
Vulnerability to Legal Misconduct: Qualitative Study of Regulatory Decisions Involving Problem Lawyers and Their Clients An emerging body of scholarship discusses ‘vulnerability’ as an antecedent of legal misconduct. One conceptualization of vulnerability indicates that an individual has greater susceptibility to risk of harm, and safeguards may protect against that risk of harm. This empirical study…
Bar Standards Board shares good practice for barristers and advice for clients on consumer feedback
The Bar Standards Board (BSB) has today published new guidance that aims to encourage barristers to follow good practice when they receive feedback from their clients. It has also published a guide for the public about using and leaving feedback about barristers’ services. Along with the other legal regulators, the BSB was asked by the Competition and Markets Authority…
Understanding consumer experiences of conveyancing legal services
Conveyancing is one of the most common legal services people use in their lifetime, with more than one million homes bought and sold every year in the UK. However, there are some concerns about the conduct of some solicitors and the quality of service they are providing, with high proportions of insurance claims and complaints to the…
ICLR 2017 – Panel: Effective New Regulatory Responses to Complaints
A synopsis of panel session 5, which takes place on 6 October at ICLR Singapore, kindly provided by the session’s moderator, Susan Saab Fortney – Professor and Associate Dean for Research, Texas A & M University School of Law. Conference materials will be made available to members after the conference. The session examines new regulatory…