How Consumer-Focused Innovations in the Legal Services Market Invigorate Access to Justice

Abstract: The Legal Services Act 2007 was devised to effectuate a wide ranging reform in favour of access to justice, bringing about profound transformations to the legal services market. The essay examines the various mechanisms contrived to operate in the consumers’ interest, as well as the impact of technology disruption on the private and business…

The Legal Services Board of England and Wales has launched a consultation on its draft business plan and budget for 2022/23

The Legal Services Board of England and Wales business plan is an attempt to push forward its goals of reforming the legal sector to better serve the consumer and deliver fairer outcomes, stronger confidence and better services. The proposed new strategy includes financial protection arrangements, consumer redress and the rule of law and regulation. Key…

The Bar Standards Board of England and Wales has published its regulatory decision making annual report

This is the second report of its type by the Bar Standards Board since the way regulatory decisions were made was reformed. The report finds that between April 2020 and March 2021 the number of reports and applications for exemptions substantially increased. This coincided with the COVID-19 pandemic. The Bar Standards Board has increased proactive…

Solicitors Regulation Authority publishes new anti-money laundering report

Work carried out to make sure solicitors keep criminals from using the profession to launder money has been detailed in a new review. The SRA have published their first professional supervisor report, a recent requirement placed on all supervisors by both the Money Laundering Regulations and guidance by the Office for Professional Body Anti-money laundering…

Qualitative research into SMEs’ legal needs and adoption of Lawtech

On behalf of LawtechUK and the Legal Services Board, Community Research conducted qualitative research with 40 SMEs from different sectors (10 of whom had previously used lawtech) to explore how they address their legal needs and access legal advice and support, in order to understand how lawtech can better support SMEs. Read the full paper…

The Bar Standards Board of England and Wales moves to the next step of its project to ensure barristers practices comply with the Bar transparency rules.

The Bar Standards Board is beginning the next phase of its work regarding the Bar transparency rules which came into force in July 2019. This involves ensuring all barristers’ practices comply. The Bar transparency rules are designed to help the public make informed decisions about barristers’ services and improve the information available to the public before they…

The Bar Tribunals and Adjudication Service has published a second consultation document on changes to the Sanctions Guidance

The Bar Standards Board (BSB) has welcomed the publication of a second consultation document on changes to the Sanctions Guidance by the Bar Tribunals and Adjudication Service (BTAS). These guidelines are used by Disciplinary Tribunals in deciding what sanctions to impose in cases of proven professional misconduct by barristers in England and Wales. This consultation seeks…

Further fund award is an opportunity to connect innovative services with those who need legal help

The SRA have won a grant from the latest round of Regulators Pioneer Fund (RPF) to help connect those using new legal technologies with those who need their services. They have been awarded £167,856 from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) to be used to create a new network where regulators, expert…

Positive response ahead of new solicitor exam’s first sitting

More than a thousand people have signed up to take the first ever Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE) assessment in November. The new single assessment sets consistent high standards for solicitors at the point of entry into the profession. Bookings for the first SQE1 assessment closed last week. The majority of bookings – 74 per cent –…

New guidelines published for legal professionals practising within the Coroners’ Courts

The Bar Standards Board, with the Solicitors Regulation Authority and CILEx Regulation have outlined new guidelines for solicitors, barristers and CILEx advocates working in the Coroners court. This includes: A set of competences which spell out the standards expected of lawyers by the regulators and the public Guidance and other resources to help make sure…

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