Legal Services Regulatory Authority of Ireland report highlights 33% increase in complaints about legal practitioners

On April the 7th the LSRA published its first complaints report for 2021 which shows it received 805 complaints in a six month period, demonstrating a 33% increase on the previous period. The report, entitled Independent Complaints Handling, gives details around the LSRA’s investigative activities in the reporting period of 7 September 2020 to 26…

Legal Services Regulatory Authority of Ireland consultation on admissions

The Legal Services Regulation Authority of Ireland (LSRA) preparing and submitting its statutorily required annual report for the Minister for Justice an on admission policies into the legal professions. The report will contain the following elements: (a) the number of persons admitted to practise as solicitors during 2020; (b) the number of persons admitted to…

Irish Legal Services Regulatory Authority to take over regulation of legal advertising

On the 18th December 2020 the Irish Legal Services Regulatory Authority (LSRA) took over the role or regulating advertising by legal practitioners, a role previously held by the Law Society (for solicitors). The rule change comes about under the Legal Services Regulation Act 2015 (Advertising) Regulations 2020, which applies to print, audio, visual and online advertising….

Regulatory developments in Ireland

On the 19th November, The Legal Services Regulatory Authority (LSRA) published two separate reports with recommendations to the Minister for Justice. The first report is entitled, “Setting Standards: Legal Practitioner Education and Training“. The report is focused on examining the competence and standards required to practise as either a Solicitor or a Barrister in Ireland….

The Bar of Ireland releases balance at the Bar survey

The Bar of Ireland has released a survey of 567 practitioners looking at workplace satisfaction and wellbeing in the Bar. The survey looks at various topics including anxiety and stress, mental and physical health, workplace happiness and workplace issues. The survey demonstrates some of the improved benefits to wellbeing in maintaining an open profession where…

Legal Services Regulatory Authority publishes annual report

The Legal Services Regulatory Authority (LSRA) in Ireland has published its 2019 Annual Report which provides an overview of its performance for the year, including its new role in handling public complaints relating to solicitors and barristers. The Annual Report contains statistical data on complaints and early trends, including: During the 12 week period from…

Consultation on the unification of the solicitors’ and barristers’ professions in Ireland

The Legal Services Regulatory Authority (LSRA) in Ireland is inviting submissions as part of a public consultation prior to a report to the Minister for Justice and Equality in relation to unification of the solicitors’ profession and the barristers’ profession.  The consultation is seeking views from a wide range of organisations and individuals in the legal…

LSRA announces the introduction of LLPs in Ireland and new complaints procedure

Law firms in Ireland are now able to set up limited liability partnerships (LLPs), following the commencement of a section of the 2015 Legal Services Regulatory Authority (LSRA) Act.  As of October, the LSRA also took on responsibility for the complaints procedure governing solicitors and barristers in Ireland.  Complaints made prior to October against solicitors and barristers…


New Irish legal watchdog hindered by deadlines

The State’s new watchdog for the legal professions has warned its work is being frustrated by the requirement to meet deadlines set out in its grounding legislation. The Legal Services Regulatory Authority (LSRA) has called for changes to the Legal Services Regulation Act 2015 to allow it to fulfil its statutory role to oversee services…

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