New Mexico reinstatement materials

These materials were presented at the 2016 International Conference of Legal Regulators. Session title: I always feel like somebody’s watching me: reinstatement and supervision of lawyers on probation Reinstatement questionnaire Supervising attorney agreement

Delaware reinstatement questionnaire

These materials were presented at the 2016 International Conference of Legal Regulators. Session title: I always feel like somebody’s watching me: reinstatement and supervision of lawyers on probation Delaware reinstatement questionnaire

Discipline and Reinstatement Matters before the Illinois Supreme Court: A 35-Year Statistical Review

These materials were presented at the 2016 International Conference of Legal Regulators. Session title: I always feel like somebody’s watching me: reinstatement and supervision of lawyers on probation This paper is an excerpt from the 2007 Annual Report of the Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission (ARDC) Illinois statistical review

Proactive management based regulation in Colorado USA

A subcommittee of the Colorado Supreme Court Advisory Committee is exploring Proactive Management-Based Regulation (PMBR), a programme designed to promote ethical law practice by assisting lawyers with practice management. PMBR material on the Colorado Supreme Court website Explanation of PMBR on the Colorado Supreme Court website  

Why Your Jurisdiction Should Consider Jumping on the Regulatory Objectives Bandwagon

It has become increasingly common to find jurisdictions adopting an explicit and succinct statement of the goals they are trying to achieve when they regulate lawyers. The first example was the 2007 UK Legal Services Act, which set forth the regulatory objectives that the Act — and its implementation — should achieve. The form that such adoption…

The case for proactive management-based regulation to improve professional self-regulation for US lawyers

This article argues that the American Bar Association (ABA) should recommend, and the state courts should adopt, proactive management-based regulation (PMBR) programs to supplement the existing complaint-based systems of professional discipline. The article discusses the New South Wales program, highlighting the requirement that incorporated legal practices designate Legal Practitioner Directors, and non-adversarial collaboration between regulators and…

The Role of Ethics Audits in Improving Management Systems and Practices: An Empirical Examination of Management-Based Regulation of Law Firms

Using management-based principles, this Article discusses steps to take to encourage ethics audits ‘to merge good ethics and good business’ in the United States of America. For decades, legal malpractice experts have urged lawyers to implement risk management measures, and legal malpractice insurers have provided audit services and self-audit materials. Under the Australian regulatory regime,…

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