New bar score data from the ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar, released on the 23rd of April 23, showed an increase in the scores compared to 2019 on both the ‘ultimate’ pass rate and for first-time takers, with the aggregate score of law graduates taking the exam for the first…
American Bar Association issues new guidance on remote working and ethical use of technology
The American Bar Association Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility has released a formal opinion cataloguing the relevant model rules and technological considerations that lawyers should be aware of when practising virtually. The opinion (Formal Opinion 498) identifies some of the minimum requirements for virtual practice under the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct…
ABA releases first model diversity survey report on law firm equity and inclusion
On the 16th February, the American Bar Association Commission on Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Profession today released its 2020 ABA Model Diversity Survey Report, the first report focused on diversity, equity and inclusion within law firm practices in the USA. The Model Diversity Survey (MDS), was developed in 2016, and is designed to…
ABA issues new guidance on navigating model rules remotely
On the 16th December 2020 the American Bar Association (ABA) Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility released a formal opinion to help lawyers to better understand the application of model rules to lawyers practising remotely, this is particularly for those working from jurisdictions in which they are not licensed. Formal Opinion 495 provides guidance…
Event: ABA Mid-Year Meeting
February 17 – 22, 2021 Online Join your colleagues from across the country for a week of engaging business meetings, dynamic CLE programs, and celebrations of achievements in the legal profession – all from the comfort of your home or office. Event Website
American Bar Association report details impact of debt on law students
A new study conducted by the Young Lawyers Division of the American Bar Association has revealed substantial and widespread levels of student debt and demonstrated a harmful effect on junior members of the profession in the US. The survey has found that: Over 75% of respondents had at least $100,000 in student loans at graduation…
ABA profile of the legal profession: diversity and well-being
While the number of lawyers nationally has grown faster than the U.S. population, this growth hasn’t been spread evenly across races and ethnicities, according to the American Bar Association’s 2020 Profile of the Legal Profession. (PDF) The ABA Profile of the Legal Profession is a compilation of the latest statistics in the legal profession. In an…
ABA study reveals that disabled and LBGTQ+ lawyers face discrimination
A study carried out by the ABA in collaboration with the Burton Blatt Institute at Syracuse University has found that lawyers who either identify as having disabilities or who identify as LGBTQ+ commonly report experiencing both subtle and overt forms of discrimination at their workplaces. The study surveyed 3,590 lawyers, including individuals from every state…
ABA issues new guidance on lawyer misconduct
On the 15th July, the American Bar Association Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility released guidance that expands on a model rule that covers a lawyer’s conduct related to harassment and discrimination. ABA Formal Ethics Opinion 493 outlines how ABA Model Rule of Professional Conduct 8.4(g) addresses actions by a lawyer beyond the courtroom…
ABA launches new resource on racial justice
The American Bar Association has announced the launch of the ABA Racial Equity in the Justice System website. A central resource aimed at providing information to ABA members, attorneys, the profession and the public on issues such as addressing bias, racism and prejudice in the justice system and society. The website will include resources such…