The Law Society of New South Wales has launched a new resource which provides guidance to lawyers working with individuals who have or are at risk of suffering domestic violence. The Law Society of New South Wales has launched this resource aimed at helping lawyers deal with clients suffering domestic abuse as it is lawyers…
The Scottish Government is beginning a consultation aimed at reforming legal services regulation
The Consultation has been launched with the aim of ensuring that consumer interests are at the heart of Scottish legal services moving forward. The Scottish Government are seeking views on developing a system of legal services regulation that would promote a flourishing legal sector and place consumer interests at its heart. Ministers want to ensure…
Victorian Legal Services Board and Commissioner outlines guidance for legal professionals when dealing with unvaccinated clients.
In an attempt to mitigate some of the challenges posed by society opening back up after lockdown, the Victorian Legal Services Board and Commissioner (VLSBC) has issued guidance for dealing with unvaccinated clients. These include general guidance on providing a safe working environment for you staff, as well as advice for new clients and existing…
Structural Changes to the Legal Service to Deepen Capabilities and Better Meet Evolving Demands
In an attempt to update legal services to meet evolving demand, the government of Singapore has proposed a number of changes, including: 1.Establishing a separate Judicial Service, overseen by a newly established Judicial Service Commission (JSC) headed by the Chief Justice. Legal Service Officers (LSOs) currently holding judicial posts, such as Assistant Registrars in the…
The Bar Tribunals and Adjudication Service has published a second consultation document on changes to the Sanctions Guidance
The Bar Standards Board (BSB) has welcomed the publication of a second consultation document on changes to the Sanctions Guidance by the Bar Tribunals and Adjudication Service (BTAS). These guidelines are used by Disciplinary Tribunals in deciding what sanctions to impose in cases of proven professional misconduct by barristers in England and Wales. This consultation seeks…
ABA issues guidance focusing on client language differences
The American Bar Association has issued a formal opinion to guide lawyers in situations when they and their clients do not share a common language. This guidance also covers when the client has a physical condition, such as a hearing, speech or vision disability, that might impede communications. The guidance revolves around a lawyers duty…
Further fund award is an opportunity to connect innovative services with those who need legal help
The SRA have won a grant from the latest round of Regulators Pioneer Fund (RPF) to help connect those using new legal technologies with those who need their services. They have been awarded £167,856 from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) to be used to create a new network where regulators, expert…
Positive response ahead of new solicitor exam’s first sitting
More than a thousand people have signed up to take the first ever Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE) assessment in November. The new single assessment sets consistent high standards for solicitors at the point of entry into the profession. Bookings for the first SQE1 assessment closed last week. The majority of bookings – 74 per cent –…
New guidelines published for legal professionals practising within the Coroners’ Courts
The Bar Standards Board, with the Solicitors Regulation Authority and CILEx Regulation have outlined new guidelines for solicitors, barristers and CILEx advocates working in the Coroners court. This includes: A set of competences which spell out the standards expected of lawyers by the regulators and the public Guidance and other resources to help make sure…
LSB sets clear expectations for regulators to improve consumer information, promote rights, and drive choice in the legal services market across England and Wales
The LSB in partnership with regulators is working ensure legal services providers offer helpful information to consumers about the cost and quality of their services and on redress and regulation, so consumers can make informed decisions. The LSB is also proposing that regulators implement effective programmes of activity to support public legal education, focusing on…