Event: DIFC’s Dubai Conference on Court Excellence and Innovation

DIFC’s Dubai Conference on Court Excellence and Innovation 7-8 November 2018 – Dubai, United Arab Emirates This year’s conference aims to highlight the key values and success factors in the International Framework for Court Excellence (IFCE) and identify international best practice and challenges for Courts around the globe. We will discuss practical strategies that are…

Event: ABA’s International Conference (6-10 November)

The American Bar Association is hosting its Annual International Conference November 6th to 10th | Mexico City, Mexico This conference will address hot topics and recent developments on International trade and Investments. The presentations will be relevant to practitioners who work in a global environment and to those who want to enhance their cross-border exposure, focusing…

UK Government issues guidance note for a no-deal Brexit result

A scenario in which the UK leaves the EU without agreement (a ‘no deal’ scenario) remains unlikely given the mutual interests of the UK and the EU in securing a negotiated outcome. Negotiations are progressing well and both we and the EU continue to work hard to seek a positive deal. However, it’s our duty…

Event: Legal Geek Conference, London

The Legal Geek Conference: Wednesday 17th October 2018 Shoreditch, London We are bringing together 2,000 of the biggest names in LawTech from over 40 countries! We have 100+ speakers from US, Canada, Russia, Singapore, New Zealand, Spain, France, Netherlands and Israel.  Plus our brand new In-House stage to make LawTech even more relevant for GC’s. Visit Event Website Here

Event: The New Engine of Growth: Investment and Technology Conference

The American Bar Association’s International Law Section is hosting The New Engine of Growth: Investment and Technology Conference in Seoul, Korea. This conference will address hot topics and recent developments on Investment and Technology. The presentations will be relevant to practitioners who work in a global environment and to those who want to enhance their cross-border…

Singapore’s Ministry of Law aims to strengthen access to justice through the Legal Aid and Advice (Amendment) Bill

Singapore’s Ministry of Law (MinLaw) is pushing a Legal Aid and Advice (Amendment) Bill for First Reading in Parliament. The Bill amends the Legal Aid and Advice Act (LAAA), first, to simplify the means test for legal aid; second, to provide greater flexibility for aid to be given to those who fail the means test but…

Solicitors Regulation Authority urges caution over new legal business partners in the UK

Solicitors have been urged to make sure that the credentials of people approaching their firm to offer business expansion are genuine. We have received two recent reports of firms branching out into different work areas, but the reality was that new colleagues had infiltrated the firm to defraud clients. The incidents have led to potential…


Getting Conference Ready – Session Previews

In preparation for this year’s ICLR Conference, we are offering attendees and members previews of upcoming conference sessions. Session chairs offer content outlines and call for questions and comments to be integrated into their presentations over the weekend. Access the conference programme and session previews below. Session previews Thursday – 4 October Defining Quality and…

Brought to you by ICLR.