CILEX and training company Pearson co-operating on the creation of new legal services ‘T-level’ in England and Wales

CILEX and Pearson begin work on the creation of a new legal services qualification, a ‘T-level’, which will sit alongside the traditional A-level. The qualification will be for students who want to enter the legal profession, particularly those interested in business administration roles within the legal sector. The qualification will lead directly into a CILEX…


Positive response ahead of new solicitor exam’s first sitting

More than a thousand people have signed up to take the first ever Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE) assessment in November. The new single assessment sets consistent high standards for solicitors at the point of entry into the profession. Bookings for the first SQE1 assessment closed last week. The majority of bookings – 74 per cent –…


Legal Education in Nigeria: A Chronicle of Reforms and Transformation Under Tahir Mamman

Legal Education in Nigeria: A Chronicle of Reforms and Transformation Under Tahir Mamman is a case study of change that tells the story of opportunities to transform legal education. We can trace the history of legal education to about 1962 when the first indigenous law faculties and the Nigerian Law School were established. In spite…


Law Society of Saskatchewan releases new podcast on the future of law and technology

The Law Society of Saskatchewan has released a new podcast on the changing role of technology in the legal profession. The podcast looks at how technology is being treated in legal education, as well as what the society is doing to react to the changes/ The podcast features Tim Brown, Q.C. Executive Director of the…


Keep Distance Education for Law Schools: Online Education, the Pandemic, and Access to Justice

Abstract While distance education made inroads throughout higher education, law schools kept their distance—until a global pandemic forced them all online for a time. Then the gatekeepers to the profession at the American Bar Association and state bars temporarily dropped their limits on distance learning. Now as American law schools prepare to return to normalcy,…


The Intersection of Technology Competence and Professional Responsibility: Opportunities and Obligations for Legal Education

Abstract Technology has fundamentally changed the legal profession and the delivery of legal services. Lawyers routinely use technology, including artificial intelligence, for legal research, e-discovery, document review, practice management, timekeeping and billing, document drafting, and many other tasks. The American Bar Association (ABA) amended the Model Rules of Professional Conduct in 2012 to include an explicit duty of technology competence, and…


Solicitors Regulation Authority of England and Wales publishes latest annual reports

The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) has published its suite of annual reports, which cover five core topics, these are: ‘Anti-money Laundering‘, ‘Authorisation‘, ‘Client Protection‘, ‘Education and Training‘ and ‘Upholding Professional Standards‘. Key findings from the reports include: There has been a year-on-year increase in the number of solicitors qualifying through apprenticeships, firms offering recognised training…


State Bar of California publishes digital annual report

The State Bar of California has published its second digital annual report. The report was conceptualised following the significant changes in the legal industry brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, creating rapidly changing policy goals and public protection requirements. Donna S. Hershkowitz, Interim Executive Director of the state bar had said “Despite the onset of…


Understanding the Metacognitive “Space” and Its Implications for Law Students’ Learning

Abstract This article builds upon our prior work, contributing to the growing literature addressing development of metacognitive skills in law students. Metacognitive skills include knowledge of strategies that impact thinking and learning, and regulation of thinking and learning related to specific learning tasks. Metacognitive skills are important for learning in law school as well as for successful…


Designing innovative clinical legal programs to respond to changing social needs

Abstract My argument is that Japanese law schools are urged to flexibly design innovative clinical programs to respond to changing social needs so as to maximize the educational effect for law students. As globalization progresses and technological innovations advance, our world is becoming more complex, unstable, and unpredictable. In this era, people in economic needs…

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