Regulatory responses to COVID-19

We’ve put together the following list to examine different regulator responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. If you have any questions or best practice for the rest of the ICLR community, please do get in touch, and we will be happy to include any of these in the next newsletter. The Nederlandse Orde Van Advocaten has…

ICLR 2020 update

The ICLR 2020 will be held virtually the week of October 26th, 2020. Mark your calendars. The organizing group is developing a dynamic week-long program that will include sessions on the regulatory challenges encountered and lessons learned from the global COVID-19 pandemic. We look forward to “seeing” you virtually this Fall. Registration is expected to…

Consultation on the unification of the solicitors’ and barristers’ professions in Ireland

The Legal Services Regulatory Authority (LSRA) in Ireland is inviting submissions as part of a public consultation prior to a report to the Minister for Justice and Equality in relation to unification of the solicitors’ profession and the barristers’ profession.  The consultation is seeking views from a wide range of organisations and individuals in the legal…

Legal services reform in Scotland – regulation, international competitiveness and seizing opportunities for innovation

Edinburgh,  Wednesday, 25 March 2020 This conference will discuss the next steps for legal services in Scotland. Delegates will examine: Major proposals for regulatory reform; The sector’s international competitiveness going forward; and The impact of innovation in legal technology. The conference includes a ministerial contribution – and will be an opportunity to discuss the issues as…

Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security publishes analysis of changes in lawyer regulation

Following the March 2015 report submitted by the Advokatlovutvalget  (the Lawyer Commission), which suggested changes to the regulation of lawyers in Norway (see the report in Norwegian), the Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security has decided to further evaluate the recommendations. The Ministry has commissioned research consultancy Copenhagen Economics to provide further analysis on two…

Law Society of Saskatchewan amends Legal Profession Act to expand access to legal services

The Law Society of Saskatchewan has announced amendments to the Legal Profession Act, 1990, effective from 1 January 2020. The Law Society is an independent regulator with the core mandate of the protection of public interest. In 2017 the Law Society and the Ministry of Justice established the Legal Services Task Team, comprised of lawyers,…

Law Society of Scotland releases guidance to improve price transparency

The Law Society of Scotland has published guidance on pricing for solicitors, aimed to improve consumer understanding of the cost of legal services. The guidance encourages firms to publish indicative pricing up-front, allowing consumers to gain a broad overview of price comparison before they contact a solicitor. The guidance will come into effect on 1…

ABA approves resolution to expand access to justice

On February 17th, during its annual midyear meeting, the American Bar Association (ABA) House of Delegates approved resolution 115, encouraging State Bars to consider innovative approaches to expanding access to justice, particularly focused around improving the affordability and quality of civil legal services. The resolution initially proposed by the ABA Center for Innovation and supported by…

Key findings from largest ever legal needs survey in England and Wales

A survey has been conducted by YouGov on behalf of the Legal Services Board (LSB) and the Law Society of England and Wales, looking to examine the current state of legal need across the jurisdiction. A nationally representative sample of 28,633 members of the public was consulted on  34 different types of legal issues, in order…

Brought to you by ICLR.