The Law Society of Kenya (LSK) has called for the ending of the monopoly on Bar education in Kenya, following an inquiry into high rates of failure in the Bar examinations. Results from November 2018 revealed that 80 per cent of those who sat the test failed, with only 308 of the 1,572 candidates qualifying. …
ICLR 2019: Encouraging Innovation in Legal Services Provision via Tech
The following content has been provided by the panel presenting on this topic during the morning on day 2 of ICLR 2019. Synopsis In a rapidly evolving legal landscape and digital world, legal practitioners are engaging an increasingly sophisticated clientele requiring solutions that lie at the intersection of different industry sectors. The panellists will be…
ICLR 2019: Changing Nature of the Profession; Workshop C1: Equality and Diversity
The following content has been provided by the panel presenting on this topic during the afternoon on Day 2 of ICLR 2019. Synopsis The panel will focus on sexual harassment in the legal profession as a regulatory issue, and explore the regulatory issues that can arise in the use of non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) in sexual…
NCBE’s Testing Task Force and the Bar Exam of the Future
In the United States, the authority to regulate the legal profession belongs to individual jurisdictions; each U.S. state or territory sets its own rules and makes its own decisions about legal licensure. For licensure examinations, most jurisdictions use one or more of the bar exam components produced by the National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE),…
ICLR 2019: Consumer interest in regulation
The following content has been provided by the panel presenting on this topic during the afternoon on Day 2 of ICLR 2019. Synopsis This workshop will consider the following issues and topics: Consumers v clients Regulation, regulators and the regulated Empowering consumers Ethical questions and challenges for regulators, including NDAs Presented by: Michael Clancy OBE,…
ICLR 2019: Review of the BSB Handbook (Code of Conduct) – Show us how to do it!
The following content has been provided by the panel presenting on this topic during the afternoon on Day 2 of ICLR 2019. Synopsis Of interest to everyone who has recently, or who is thinking of, reviewing their code of conduct. Recent experience: The UK Solicitors Regulation Authority has recently reviewed their rules, as has the…
International Network for Delivery of Regulation (INDR) Conference
23 Oct 2019, 10:00 – 25 Oct 2019, 16:30 University of Oxford INDR will host a three day conference covering issues such as the regulation research, the regulatory delivery model, and ethical business practice and ethical business regulation. The price of the conference is £80 per day (£240 for all three days) for INDR Members…
Joint CCBE-FBE Conference on Self-Regulation & Quality in the Legal Profession
25 October 2019 Lisbon, Portugal The conference will be an opportunity to remind participants of the role and importance of self-regulation for the independence of the legal profession and to discuss the interplay between quality and regulation within the profession: How can citizens be guaranteed high quality legal services? How can their interests be protected…
SRA report: upholding professional standards
The Solicitors Regulation Authority has published a report detailing how it deals with complaints, undertakes investigations and decides on what sort of regulatory action is required. The report covers the period November 2017 – October 2018 and includes case studies and reflects upon emerging trends, such as the use of NDAs. Download the report …
FATF guidance for legal professionals
The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has produced risk-based approach (RBA) guidance to help legal professionals design effective measures to manage money laundering and terrorist financing risks. The guidance is also aimed at supervisors of legal professionals, highlighting the importance of supervising the RBA. The FATF developed this non-binding guidance with input from the legal…