Poppe, Emily S. Taylor. “Evidence-based promulgation: Reconsidering the rulemaking process for rules of professional conduct.” FORDHAM L. REV. 89 (2021): 1275-1278. Read the full article here. (PDF)
Victorian warning on lawyers involvement in crowdfunding activities
Lawyers in the state of Victoria have been warned about their public conduct. Fiona McLeay’s December 2021 report sets out the importance of balance between access to justice and acting in a client’s best interests. The report reminds lawyers to think carefully before advising communities to pursue cases which will likely not be successful in…
The Dutch Bar Association will run resilience training for lawyers in 2022 after the 2021 offerings proved popular
The resilience training courses for lawyers in The Netherlands run by the Dutch Bar Association were so popular they’re running them again in 2022 for a new cohort, running a new series of 500 training courses. These courses aim to teach lawyers the skills required to deal with aggression and threats that they may face…
The New Zealand Law Society | Te Kāhui Ture o Aotearoa has issued final guidance on reporting requirements under the Conduct and Client Care Rules
The New Zealand Law Society | Te Kāhui Ture o Aotearoa has issued guidance on reporting requirements under the Conduct and Client care Rules. The rules came into force in July 2021 and attempt to clarify the behaviour expected of lawyers. The main goal of these guidelines is to tackle bully, harassment and discrimination in…
The Law Society of New South Wales launches resource for working with clients suffering domestic abuse
The Law Society of New South Wales has launched a new resource which provides guidance to lawyers working with individuals who have or are at risk of suffering domestic violence. The Law Society of New South Wales has launched this resource aimed at helping lawyers deal with clients suffering domestic abuse as it is lawyers…
New Zealand Law Society consultation on lawyer behaviour rules
The New Zealand Law Society | Te Kāhui Ture o Aotearoa is calling for feedback on new draft guidance designed to support the legal profession to comply with new rules governing the behaviour of lawyers. The amended rules clarify the standards of behaviour expected of lawyers when engaging with clients, colleagues and others, with an…
Law Society of Alberta consultation on model code of conduct amendments
The Law Society of Alberta has extended the deadline of a consultation on an updated model code of conduct to the 30th June. The amendments to Model Code Rule 6.3 are centred around discrimination and harassment. The draft amendments aim to provide clearer guidance on prohibitions against discrimination, harassment and bullying. This is following feedback…
Notes on the Westminster Legal Policy Forum keynote seminar – 25th February 2020
This ICLR special report has been compiled to give members a flavour of what was discussed during the annual Westminster Legal Policy Forum, held on the 25th February 2020. The theme of the day was ‘regulation, consumer protection and responding to innovation’, with speakers drawn from across regulators, representative bodies, academia and the legal services…
SRA report: upholding professional standards
The Solicitors Regulation Authority has published a report detailing how it deals with complaints, undertakes investigations and decides on what sort of regulatory action is required. The report covers the period November 2017 – October 2018 and includes case studies and reflects upon emerging trends, such as the use of NDAs. Download the report …

UK Competition and Markets Authority to research Scottish legal services market
The Competition and Markets Authority has issued the following press release regarding its impending research into certain aspects of the Scottish legal services market to support the Scottish Government’s response to the Roberton Review. The following release was published 17 June 2019. This work has been prompted by the Roberton Review, an Independent Review of…