ICLR Annual Conference: Day 4: 29 October 2020

Day 4: 29 October  – – – The final technology breakout for EMEA/APAC, will be called: A Growing Toolbelt: Investigators and technology. (CDT 06:00-07:00 / GMT 11:00-12:00 / KST 20:00-21:00) Session description: Given the growing reliance on technology in the legal industry, command of technology has become a requirement of ethical practice, often through explicit…

ICLR Annual Conference: Day 5: 30 October 2020

Day 5: 30 October  – – – Day 5 will include our final consumer-focused breakout for EMEA and the APAC entitled: In Search of Solutions, not Sanctions: The Different European and African Approaches to Applying Restorative Justice Principles to Legal Regulation.  (CDT 06:00-07:00 / GMT 11:00-12:00 / KST 20:00-21:00) Session description: Consumers should be able to…

ICLR 2019: Regulating in Uncomfortable Spaces

The following content has been provided by the panel presenting on this topic during the afternoon on Day 1 of ICLR 2019. Synopsis As recent events have shown, regulating the conduct of lawyers who serve as elected politicians or in public office, as well as those who provide legal services to others in public office,…


The implications of AI on legal regulators and how they can use it

At last year’s ICLR Annual Conference in The Hague, ICLR member came together to present on the implications of AI on legal regulators and how they might harness this technology to their advantage. Panelists drew from input from ICLR members and how their own institutions were engaging with Artificial Intelligence, as shown in the infographic…

Brought to you by ICLR.