This key annual conference attracted 600 people to the face-to-face event, followed by more than 33,000 views of virtual sessions the following week. The programme covered topics including: Money laundering The SQE and what it means for your firm Innovation and technology – how can technology help firms spot risks and comply with regulatory obligations…
Trade Mark Infringement and Artificial Intelligence
Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are starting to alter the way in which consumers shop for and purchase goods and services. This exploratory article examines some of the implications the increasing use of AI technologies may have to the law of trade mark infringement under New Zealand’s Trade Marks Act 2002. Trade mark infringement is…
How Consumer-Focused Innovations in the Legal Services Market Invigorate Access to Justice
Abstract: The Legal Services Act 2007 was devised to effectuate a wide ranging reform in favour of access to justice, bringing about profound transformations to the legal services market. The essay examines the various mechanisms contrived to operate in the consumers’ interest, as well as the impact of technology disruption on the private and business…
The Dutch Bar Association will run resilience training for lawyers in 2022 after the 2021 offerings proved popular
The resilience training courses for lawyers in The Netherlands run by the Dutch Bar Association were so popular they’re running them again in 2022 for a new cohort, running a new series of 500 training courses. These courses aim to teach lawyers the skills required to deal with aggression and threats that they may face…
The Law Society of Saskatchewan Canada has issued an article entitled ‘Better connecting consumers of legal services and alternative legal providers’
The Law Society of Saskatchewan Canada has issued an article written by the Future of Legal Services committee entitled ‘Better connecting consumers of legal services and alternative legal providers’ to highlight access to justice information. The article focuses on how legal information can help and the different ways lawyers can be more transparent about billing…
The Legal Services Board of England and Wales has launched a consultation on its draft business plan and budget for 2022/23
The Legal Services Board of England and Wales business plan is an attempt to push forward its goals of reforming the legal sector to better serve the consumer and deliver fairer outcomes, stronger confidence and better services. The proposed new strategy includes financial protection arrangements, consumer redress and the rule of law and regulation. Key…
The New Zealand Law Society | Te Kāhui Ture o Aotearoa has issued final guidance on reporting requirements under the Conduct and Client Care Rules
The New Zealand Law Society | Te Kāhui Ture o Aotearoa has issued guidance on reporting requirements under the Conduct and Client care Rules. The rules came into force in July 2021 and attempt to clarify the behaviour expected of lawyers. The main goal of these guidelines is to tackle bully, harassment and discrimination in…
The Victorian Legal Services Board in Australia has issued new guidelines for dealing with sexual harassment
The Victorian Legal Services Board has published new resources on its website for people who experience of witness sexual harassment in the Victorian legal sector. These resources contain practical guidance about what individuals can do at the time and in the aftermath of experiencing or witnessing sexual harassment. These guidelines are being put in place…
The Legal Services Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Ireland is opening a public consultancy for the new profession of Conveyancer
The Legal Services Regulatory Authority is inviting interested parties to make written submissions ahead of a report to the Minister of Justice in relation to the creation of a new profession of conveyancer in Ireland. The consultation pages, available through the link below, outline the type of submission, including suggested topics, the Legal Services Regulatory…
WTO negotiations on domestic services regulation have concluded successfully in Geneva
67 WTO member delegates participated in the Joint Initiative on Services Domestic Regulation, which aims to reduce administrative costs and create a more transparent environment for services providers to operate in when conducting business in foreign markets. This initiative marks the first set of rules governing service regulation in nearly 25 years. The trade agreement…